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  1. xxslykidxx

    Nano Dungeoneering [Deleted]

    So is this a joke or...?
  2. xxslykidxx


    Any good PVM scripts that's making you guys crazy bank?
  3. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    Anyone still using this script and making bank? Took a little break from batting.
  4. xxslykidxx

    RS3 Araxxor Assistant?

    Might as well just have a script that does araxxor. Btw, who ever does make this is beastly! :eek:
  5. xxslykidxx

    RS3 [OSRS - RS3]What should be my last script? Add/vote

    That sounds intense AF lol! If anyone pulled this off I'd love em because I can't even do it without a bot! :D
  6. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    Also, whenever I try to turn off auto retaliate the bot just turns it back on. So, when it is running away from the orb it just gets sucked back in which leads to death. I've probably died about 4 times already.
  7. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    I am trying out the script now, only problem I have is the bot just picking up the wrong loot and keeping it in the inventory. Besides that, everything else is smooth.
  8. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    You know what, I like the way you think. All about saving DAT MONEY. Like Lil Dicky !
  9. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    Is this bot able to use overloads?
  10. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    Wow, thanks. What gear do you usually take? Would superior tetsu be efficient with drygores?
  11. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    Is magic notepaper more effective than using the park yak?
  12. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    I pretty much have everything, just have to get started. Just was curious to know what's a boss setup. Btw, I appreciate you for putting out this bot! I'll definitely support you all the way if you need anything!
  13. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    If anyone is successful with this script, what is your setup? ;)
  14. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    What was the update? Is there a way to check exactly what was updated?
  15. xxslykidxx

    Celestial FDK [Deleted]

    congrats, this bot will make mad profit, yo.