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  1. vyxionn

    Atlas Slayer [LITE] [Deleted]

    Alright. Well let me know if you'd like to use the account for testing purposes on it.
  2. vyxionn

    Atlas Slayer [LITE] [Deleted]

    This is true lol. Rushed dg and have low cb. =P Figured it just makes pathing easier. It also makes pathing easier to certain tasks, as it can teleport to every resource dungeon. Giants, demons, dragons, etc. @tyb51 If you don't have 99 dg and want an account with the cape to test teleports...
  3. vyxionn

    Atlas Slayer [LITE] [Deleted]

    Does this support dungeoneering skill cape teleport to edgeville dungeon chaos druids - AKA Vannaka?
  4. vyxionn

    OSRS Urgent - 15yr Old Account Banned - Advice Needed

    So if that's the first step, how about the appeal?
  5. vyxionn

    OSRS Urgent - 15yr Old Account Banned - Advice Needed

    Here's the scoop... My 15yr old account has just been banned. It had over 500m xp rs3 and 100m osrs. I hadn't played this account in 3-4 years, but I gave it to my brother. He just sent me a text today telling me that he was banned and that he didn't know autoclicking was bannable. Turns out he...
  6. vyxionn

    AuxiThiever [Deleted]

    I haven't tried it in the last few days, but yes, every time. ( I had only tried it 3-4 times before I gave up.)
  7. vyxionn

    AuxiThiever [Deleted]

    Gullible tourist
  8. vyxionn

    AuxiThiever [Deleted]

    @auxi Why does menaphos not thieve the gullible tourist? Is it set for marketeers only? I hopped worlds until I found one, I've got cakes in the inventory, and the bot wants to home tele and just head to merchants.
  9. vyxionn

    Resolved Runemate has run out of accessible memory

    I haven't seen this problem come up lately, but after running Slash's NanoDG, I get the error after an unknown amount of time from half an hour to 10 hours of using it. What can I try doing to fix the issue? Thanks
  10. vyxionn

    RS3 I'd like to play and bot Runescape at work!

    That'd be the same network that I can't use it on to begin with lol.
  11. vyxionn

    Spring fayre 2018 [Deleted]

    It's visible. It just doesn't get all the rotations right. I've done 47 to 90 thus far.
  12. vyxionn

    RS3 I'd like to play and bot Runescape at work!

    Good idea with this. Just sucks because Cell reception is too slow.
  13. vyxionn

    Bug Mouse lagging

    Can't tell if it's the Spring Fayre bot that's causing this issues, but when the script is running (Playing) my mouse will lagg and hop around. It's almost as if my gaming pc, with a shit ton of ram, is a potato... Is this a Client issue or a bot issue? I'm using it to do the prayer dancing.