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  1. thegaryrobson

    RS3 Buying Powerlevel Service

    Thank you :)
  2. thegaryrobson

    RS3 Buying Powerlevel Service

    Hi, I’m looking to buy 1-80 in all skills except combat, dungeoneering, slayer and invention. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you, Gary
  3. thegaryrobson

    OSRS Perm banned experiences

    Did you ever have any joy?
  4. thegaryrobson

    Melee Training

    Oh really? Thanks for the heads up :)
  5. thegaryrobson

    Melee Training

    What script would you recommend for this?
  6. thegaryrobson

    Melee Training

    Members RS3 I can afford anything I need, full Dragon if required until Bandos I would invest I have indeed
  7. thegaryrobson

    Melee Training

    Ah yes, forgot to include this.. All melee stats are currently at 65
  8. thegaryrobson

    Melee Training

    Hi Guys, I'm sure this has probably been asked a few times so I do apologise. Using RM, what's the best script to use and what's the best NPC to use it on?
  9. thegaryrobson

    Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

    I'm having a little trouble getting the script to bank after it runs out of food
  10. thegaryrobson

    RS3 Taverly Dungeon Hellhound Bot

    Awesome! I'll be looking forward to that
  11. thegaryrobson

    RS3 Taverly Dungeon Hellhound Bot

    Oh wow that's be amazing I know this is probably a question you don't want to be asked but do you have a timescale or estimate of when you're planning to start this project? PS I love all your scripts, you're a great scripter
  12. thegaryrobson

    RS3 Taverly Dungeon Hellhound Bot

    Hi, If somebody can make a Taverly hellhound bot that supports the agility shortcuts in the dungeon I will pay £20 to the author. I'm looking for a bot that banks automatically in Taverly to replenish food and a bot that can take the agility shortcut if you have the level.
  13. thegaryrobson

    Question To attach to this game client, Spectre must be restarted and ran with a 32-bit JRE

    Correct, only 32-bit is working with Windows at the moment.
  14. thegaryrobson

    Question To attach to this game client, Spectre must be restarted and ran with a 32-bit JRE

    I think it's just a workaround for the current situation of it just coming out.