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    thatguy67442 reviewed the resource God Wars Mate.
    3.00 star(s) gave the bot antoher go at a different boss, it did bandos fine. unfortunately the break handler I set didn't work which is fucking bad...
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    thatguy67442 reviewed the resource Tombs of Amascut Mate.
    4.00 star(s) Bot does runs okay. I've gotten a few items which is awesome. And the bot is doing raids I couldn't dream of doing. But it's not...
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    thatguy67442 replied to the thread Tombs of Amascut Mate.
    anyone having their bot stop butteryflying at akhaan?
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    thatguy67442 reviewed the resource Tombs of Amascut Mate.
    5.00 star(s) Bloke below me pointed out I was incorrectly setting up the bot. It's just actually killing it. I was using a meh computer initially...
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    thatguy67442 reviewed the resource God Wars Mate.
    1.00 star(s) I'd like to request a refund please. If your bot is getting the feedback it is, and you aren't making any changes to it, you need to...
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    thatguy67442 replied to the thread God Wars Mate.
    Is it still working? I'm failing to understand what I might be doing wrong. I essentially mirrored the set up in the overview and it...
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    thatguy67442 reviewed the resource Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet.
    5.00 star(s) Ignore my 2 star review from before, was user error!! Bot still smashes it and is getting me good GP post enhanced pull. Thanks!!
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    thatguy67442 reviewed the resource Mikes Tormented Demons.
    5.00 star(s) I think the bot is amazing. Dunno why some dude have it three stars. It's insane slayer XP for the iron too. The only think that...