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  1. T

    OSRS Selling CHEAP OSRS Accounts!| Look thread to see what I can offer! |

    Yes bcs off Gold price. The price is 12m
  2. T

    OSRS Selling 10 Accs mage level 50

    lol he willing to scam for 1 dollar Poor Fuck!
  3. T

    OSRS Selling 10 Accs mage level 50

    Hello i can buy the 5 accs with 8 days member :P is it 1,5m in total or what?
  4. T

    Looking for Starter Accounts

    mhm 120m for the gmaul :P and 35m for low pure acc
  5. T

    Looking for Starter Accounts

    i see :P i have a pure account with 76 fishing and 73 range :P also got a Gmaul pure lvl 71 50 atk --- 88 str 1 def 85 range 82 magic 43 pray (bcs off Nmz) tell me if u wanna buy one off those :P
  6. T

    Looking for Starter Accounts

    What are you looking for? what combat? and what skill?
  7. T

    Free $10 RM credit

    would be great for me starting with rm :p 10 bots more profit
  8. T

    OSRS Privat script! Oak script, Lobster Script also Clay Script

    Someone here did wanted to do it fof 100-200$ but i low feedback.
  9. T

    OSRS Privat script! Oak script, Lobster Script also Clay Script

    Wont pay that. I have offer for 100-200$
  10. T

    OSRS Privat script! Oak script, Lobster Script also Clay Script

    Wc Oaks =Price? Bot takes accounts from a Txt File ---> Bot Tut island ---> Get 7 quest points ---> Get wc level 15 --> sell all logs to ge for money up to Rune axe! Try to get 14k to buy all runes from Ge! ---> When bought all axe's Start muling ---> Mule at xxx Randomly --> Replace when...
  11. T

    Why is runemate ban rate so low?

    i know that RuneMate is the Best Bot ever i ever used in OSRS i botted around 50+ on other bots just to test Combat and stuff.. But when i just tryed some prime keys some time ago i botted 3 accounts 1 Gmaul account Banned. But i had two leveld up to This Combat skillz 1-50 atk | 1-86 str 1-20...
  12. T

    Tutorial How to CSV Bulk Import

    Just had to clear it up xD maybe some Others didnt understand Bcs he/she didnt Write about that :P
  13. T

    Tutorial How to CSV Bulk Import

    What does 0000 stand for is that Bank pin?