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  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper reviewed the resource Royal Titans Mate.
    5.00 star(s) 400kc done in a few days, this bot is absolutely unreal. god bless the creator of this script you are an absolute legend <3
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper replied to the thread Muspah Mate.
    yeah im having the same issue. yesterday it would just enter cave and say waiting for loot to appear when it hadn't even killed 1 yet...
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper reacted to Gh0stly's post in the thread Muspah Mate with Like Like.
    Really wish this would get properly updated to fix the not using using freezing/ice spells correctly. If it goes into melee phase after...
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper left a message on wait's profile.
    hey mate something massively wrong with muspha bot.. it walks in says waiting for loot to appear and just dies...
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper reacted to brehfast3's comment on brehfast3's profile post with Haha Haha.
    Hey man gonna start off apologizing to you because I was a complete crab-ass-hole yesterday. I was impatient and being a fucking jerk. I...
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper commented on thehated0ne's profile post.
    thuper stupid
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper left a message on defeat3d's profile.
    hey mate can you fix your duke bot? it gets stuck doing mushrooms with incorrect screen placement and also dies alot for 20c an hour...
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper commented on stussy798chopper's profile post.
    @aidden no worries man ill give it a crack and let you know. deffs got an elite computer spent a fair bit building it for quality just...
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper commented on stussy798chopper's profile post.
    @rats the timers on the runelite plugin? sorry man im not too experienced with bot terms and what not what do you mean by the ui?
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper commented on stussy798chopper's profile post.
    @aidden i am using fixed classic yeah as it runs most bots smoother. there where times when i ran it resizable and it ran better then...
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper commented on stussy798chopper's profile post.
    sorry man not being a dick, it used to get stuck on doors mainly hosidious region but this time it got stuck at faladore trying to get a...
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper left a message on rats's profile.
    Hey rats in regards to your farming everything is smooth sailing on traversal. but when the patches are ready it just sits there at log...
  • stussy798chopper
    stussy798chopper left a message on aidden's profile.
    maxi homes last night literally sat there for 9 hours and didnt move no 5 min timer with 0 actions force end script implemented? kinda...