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  1. P

    Desert Phoenix Plucker [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. P

    Paulsniper19's Gilded Altar [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  3. P

    Paulsniper19's Portable Planker [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  4. P

    Phoenix Plucker [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  5. P

    Alpha Divination [Deleted]

    Still not converting. Gathers fine though.
  6. P

    Quantum Portables [Deleted]

    Works well
  7. P

    Hexis Fighter

    Please add support for soulsplit and prayer potions. Other than that, great bot!
  8. P

    Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

    Very slow to execute each action; for example, if I have prayer potions in inventory and using soulsplit, the bot will sometimes let prayer points go all the way to 0, then drink potion, but not re-activate soulsplit. Also, slow to click to attack creatures, and does not pick up items greater or...
  9. P

    Alpha Abyss Camper [Deleted]

    Yep...same here. It actually crashes after starting
  10. P

    Phoenix Plucker [Deleted]

    paulsamaroo submitted a new resource: Phoenix Plucker - Plucks Phoenix bird feathers for Super Antifires Read more about this resource...
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    RS3 Ophidian Incubation (Moneymaking)

    Hey guys, is there a bot which can cast Ophidian Incubation? This is a nice moneymaking method since incandescents are clearly no longer good gp/hr
  12. P

    Is there any Divination Bot that has been updated?

    Looks like all of the divination bots are broken since the update. Any updates in progress from anyone? I'm seeing that GalaxyDiv bot actually can click on the area for converting to memories, however, the others don't know where to click. But GalaxyDiv refuses to convert after a few minutes...
  13. P

    RS3 How do I fully secure an account I purchased?

    So then selling accounts is an easy way to scam people then?
  14. P

    RS3 How do I fully secure an account I purchased?

    Hi ^