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  1. nekrofere


    I don't mean to bump an older thread, but any updates on this?
  2. nekrofere

    Bought 8.5m for OSRS GP. I went first. A+

    Bought 8.5m for OSRS GP. I went first. A+
  3. nekrofere

    OSRS Buying OSRS GP for RM Credit.

    Looking to buy 15m OSRS GP for $15 RM Credit. You go first. Bump. Bumpidy Bump bump
  4. nekrofere

    Why is runemate ban rate so low?

    I got a temp ban from using the PB Client. The list in my previous post shows all the bots I ran, without breaks, 24/7; without being banned. Up until I botted during an update and screwed myself.
  5. nekrofere

    Why is runemate ban rate so low?

    If you're asking me, then OSRS. I used Regal Agility from 1-80 agility. Regal Motherload from 55-92 mining. Prime NMZ for 99 att, str, hp, and 97def. Prime Wintertodt for 99 firemaking. MaxiCooker from 10-99 cooking. Prime Fishing from 40-99 fishing. Quantum Woodcutting for 65-98 wc. Maxi...
  6. nekrofere

    Why is runemate ban rate so low?

    My main was recently banned when I decided to suicide bot, which stupidly ran through an update. Up until then, I ran various bots for 24 hour a day, generally 3-5 days a week, without breaks. That went on for months, without any issues. Same on my new account. Just be smart when you bot and...
  7. nekrofere

    Why is runemate ban rate so low?

    Can't give their secrets away, or else it won't be so great anymore. But, they take more care in their client than the competitors who are in it strictly for the profit.
  8. nekrofere

    OSRS Requesting for a free F2p combat trainer bot that banks and eats foods and potion.

    Well, if the bot is very well made, it should be paid in my opinion. A free bot is nice, but these authors put a lot of time into them, and I feel should be compensated.
  9. nekrofere

    Do any of you botters report other bots?

    The only time I report a bot, is when they PM me randomly. Aside from that, I don't. I don't know how Jagex learns about our bots, but the way I see it is if I report someone who may be using the same bot as me, it just puts my account at a higher risk of being banned.
  10. nekrofere

    Free $15 RM credit [giveaway ended!]

    Holy shit, I forgot all about this. Awesome, thank you!
  11. nekrofere

    Question Runemate resource hogging

    Everything seems find to me. I also just updated the client. But, it ran fine for me this morning, prior to the update. Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
  12. nekrofere

    Question Runemate resource hogging

    As Party posted before you, much more information is needed here. Logs if possible, and exactly what bots are being run, osrs/rs3? Be as detailed as possible so they can look into recreating the problem to figure it out.
  13. nekrofere

    OSRS Just received my first ban on a fully botted 1300+ main

    Makes sense. Well now I know for the future!
  14. nekrofere

    OSRS Just received my first ban on a fully botted 1300+ main

    I got hit with a macro major this morning. But I also suicide not hardcore. So I'm not even mad. I appealed it but they won't be dumb enough to lift this. Haha.
  15. nekrofere

    Questing Services

    PM sent.