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    nachocheezuz reviewed the resource Quest Assist Mate.
    5.00 star(s) 5/5 because it does EXACTLY what you said it does & doesn't do. Countless quests done & some do require more babysitting then others...
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    nachocheezuz reacted to ghzrrah's post in the thread Fight Caves Mate with Like Like.
    @slashnhax This is literally the craziest script I ever saw. At first while watching it I had doubts but it got me a fire cape in about...
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    nachocheezuz replied to the thread Fight Caves Mate.
    love the new update, but i just ran prayer only mode and it completely failed when it got to jad. Never had an issue when running full...
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    nachocheezuz reviewed the resource Zulrah Mate.
    5.00 star(s) Honestly 5 stars just based off the Bot itself, i wish the price could go back to its 0.10 cents / hour price, but still worth it if you...
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    That's honestly a disappointment because both the author losing credit for his bot & Runemate losing another good free bot. At least...
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    Hey guys, is there an actual list of what bots are removed per updates ?? I noticed today that regal thieving and smart agility are both...
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    nachocheezuz reviewed the resource Fighter Mate Beta.
    5.00 star(s) i have been using this bot from the start and it has got me several 99's plus millions of GP running it at tzhaar with no bans at all...