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  1. kickingrg

    Perma Ban

    Prime Zulrah got a ban wave on the 5th, and has been "detected" I know this because I asked Mod Weath why I was banned and he said for gold farming Zulrah, multiple people in the discord claimed they got banned using it the same day.
  2. kickingrg

    Nano Dungeoneering [Deleted]

    I’m sure if you guys really wanted a dung script. There would be someone on here willing to be bought out in order to make one. It would take a very long time, but it could be made. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. kickingrg

    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    You’re making a decision based on another persons actions? He’s already told you that he’s not leaving and he’s up keeping his bots, so what’s the issue pal? He’s done nothing but help every single one of his users, and not just his users, he helps everyone that he can. So as you can tell, you...
  4. kickingrg

    RS3 Rs3 Thieving bot

    If you can include a bot that does blackjacking menaphite thugs I will lend an account ;)
  5. kickingrg

    Galaxy Chaos Altar [Deleted]

    Restore potion, super restore. Any kind of potion. Just use one dose to recharge the points enough to renew it. But don’t keep it full. And only use whenever it’s about to renew. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. kickingrg

    Galaxy Chaos Altar [Deleted]

    Terrorbird, war tortise, pack yak You could say "If you want to use a bob, have the familiar option opened for it's inventory and when it gets to about 1 bone left in the main inventory it will use https://i.imgur.com/rTiurnl.png this button to automatically put them in the inventory This...
  7. kickingrg

    Gold farms Earn easy money

    Money back guarantee?
  8. kickingrg

    Galaxy Chaos Altar [Deleted]

    Can you add bob support?
  9. kickingrg

    Galaxy Chaos Altar [Deleted]

    Does this have an Anti-pk function?
  10. kickingrg

    RS3 Gilded Alter bot

    Thank you for the suggestions. It’s just I’m using frost dragon bones. And bottling in the wildly is a bit sketchy for that. But I’ll definitely give it a shot.
  11. kickingrg

    RS3 Gilded Alter bot

    Looking for a gilded alter bot, that will do all functions needed when going into someones player owned house. Key Features: 1. Search for a players name from the advertisements outside of the portal in yanille 2. Use BoB 3. Use wall glory to go to Edgeville 4. Stop praying when the burners...
  12. kickingrg

    Nano Dungeoneering [Deleted]

    he died.
  13. kickingrg

    Qve AbyssCamper [Deleted]

    Thank you for updating. For those who don't have SS, can we get the option to use Ice Asylum ability please? Would make for ranging and melee a lot easier as it would save on food.
  14. kickingrg

    Qve Farming runner [Deleted]

    A couple of things, you should add portable detection for idle firemaking, so say there's a portable at shanty pass, it should use that over making a bonfire, another thing, paying farmers is still being awaited, I know not many people use this bot, but I do and I actually cherish something that...
  15. kickingrg

    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    It's just funny because I was using the Ape Atoll agility one, and I come back to restart my client because it was lagging, and then it was gone. I was like "Shit I fucked it up"