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  1. J

    damn man, if you find anyone legit would ya let a bortha know! lookin to purchase a little bit...

    damn man, if you find anyone legit would ya let a bortha know! lookin to purchase a little bit myself. jus like 10$ worth, but wanna pay in 07 gp
  2. J

    Anyone selling any Runemate credit? looking for some, PM me! trying to purchase with 07 GP!

    Anyone selling any Runemate credit? looking for some, PM me! trying to purchase with 07 GP!
  3. J

    OSRS Selling $19.00 worth of credit for OSRS gold

    you still selling this homie?
  4. J

    OSRS Just hit 99 Fishing safely (:

    whats 3tick?
  5. J

    Awesome Mining [Deleted]

    is it fixed yet? or still continuing with this error?!?!
  6. J

    OSRS do you think i fucked my pure up?

    what is exactly is a pure? like say if you wanna be str pure, what combat skill can you not lvl up? or say you wanna be att pure, what combat skill do you not wanna lvl up? or range pure what do you not wanna lvl up? magic pure, what would you not wanna lvl up?
  7. J

    OSRS what are good low lvl staker stats

    lol ive never staked before but always wanted to! its where u fight someone around your same lvl for alot of GP right?!
  8. J

    Tutorial MacOS - Fix Error 831468

    did u get it fixed? ill help you for that 50m :p
  9. J

    Question Failed to bind b/c of an exception

    Having the same problem today but lastnight it was running perfectly fine! does anyone know how to resolve this problem?!?! please and ty! someone let me know what i need to do to fix this issue asap! .............
  10. J

    Prime Pest Control FREE [Deleted]

    can someone help me, it says "failed to bind to game client because of an IOException" how can i fix this issue?
  11. J

    Awesome Fisher [Deleted]

    Im currently trying to fish in catherby catching lobsters, but for some reason it keeps trying to go to clan wars? does anyone know what is going on, am i doing something wrong? can someone assist me with how to use this bot and if it works with lobsters in catherby it currently wont work in...
  12. J

    LiteFisher [Deleted]

    yes still wont bank at catherby, i hope this gets fixed asap! i really want to stack up on some lobsters! :/ i dont want to powerfish lobs, i need them to train my cooking aswell! let me know if you get any updates on if its banking problem gets fixed!
  13. J

    Mmaaikel's Firemaker [Deleted]

    It opens bank and then completely closes out the instance....
  14. J

    Awesome Motherlode [Deleted]

    okay im having trouble using this bot, i dont really know how to even use it? when i start the bot, it tried to run into the wild? im starting it from edgeville bank because i thought the drawven mine was near there? can someone tell me how to use this please? and what location do i put in the...