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    hognya23 posted the thread Mikes Lava Rune in General.
    only gettting 42k rc xp hourly with mikes lava rune bot am i doing something wrong lol
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    hognya23 reacted to cuppajava's post in the thread Guardian Rift with Love Love.
    Hey, I have this thread with general advice for the bot: OSRS - Cuppa Guardians of the Rift Guide + Recommendations Honestly the...
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    hognya23 replied to the thread Guardian Rift.
    Wow! thank u I appreciate that!
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    hognya23 posted the thread Guardian Rift in General.
    sup guys was wondering best settings for 75 rc guardian rift using the cuppa version thanks.
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    hognya23 posted the thread OSRS Runecrafting Bot in Guides.
    Ok just want some advice on RC bot what route would you take to 99 RC if you didnt care about making gp but you dont want to spend gp.