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  1. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Will most certainly do. I'll test it out a bit more tonight and tomorrow morning. Not going to close this client till 99 fletching first haha, don't wanna curse it
  2. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Well, you won't see any debugging posts from me.. You know why? Because the darn things works :D 88kxp per hour on the maples, so that's very good :) Before I forget to mention, I also tested it out on my second computer, multiple accounts and closed/reset bot a few times. Seems to be working...
  3. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    After testing, it's looping the knife -> log code. Even when people had it happen to them, this is something new for me. This time, when I hover over the longbow, it'll keep hitting the knife -> log When I right click it to help the bot out, it'll just keep doing what it does; knife -> log...
  4. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Selecting make all (X), X being the timer of how long the action takes. You're assuming correct.
  5. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Selecting make X/all. Just in before the right click on the image of the bow. When I look at the left top, it'll say [walk here]. If I move my mouse over it, it'll move of. Trying to rightclick in the left top for some reason. When I right click myself, It'll snap on the X and put in the...
  6. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Small update on my last post, I can now run the script. It's still stuck at the same spot
  7. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Since last update, I've got troubles starting the bot. It'll kick me out before menu pops up
  8. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Anything more I can test out for you? It's getting late here ^^
  9. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Deleted the bot, closed down my clients and runemate. Restarted the whole bunch, added the bot through the bot page. Tried it out, doesn't work on making Willow longbow and Yew longbow(u). Still having the same issues. When you mouse over the move the bot is supposed to make, it'll move off the...
  10. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    @Aidden OSRS: Selected - Bows (u) - Yew longbow - Knife - No preset - No goal Not selected - Bows (u) - Yew longbow - Knife - No preset - No goal Selected - Bows (u) - Yew shortbow - Knife - No preset - No goal Selected - Shafts - Yew logs - Knife - No preset - No goal Selected - Stocks - Yew...
  11. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Hmm, I've tried it with restarting my computer today a few times. Have got no lucky item ID so far. Don't want to draw too much attention to the characters so will continue the hunt in a few hours Have tried it multiple times since last post without any positive results. I might give up on this...
  12. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Either the RS client or Runemate client, even with my low experience with these things, can't imagine it being the Runemate client. Interesting fact, I use this bot for multiple clients nd stuff. Seems to be that either they both work, or they both don't work. Could this be something cache...
  13. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Ha, people are gonna hate me for not being banned yet I've botted fletching 1-95 in about 8 days, with an 9 day old character.. Mostly maple because it's self-sufficient account, a good 81000/84000 xp/hour so you can calc it out yourself. Never bothered to get string, I'll just get 14k logs and...
  14. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Congrats! I'll be on your tails in bout 2-3 days ^^
  15. H

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Small note, this happens 90% if not more with withdrawing logs, rather then selecting amount or depositing logs.