Everything is going to be solved different way after a chat on slack. I misunderstood how dispute things work, all gonna be alright. @Squidl You would have triggered me if it went different way(y)
I've logged once to it, but didn't bot on it at all, because I was out of hours. The account we're talking about is probably this one : @kadaskola
And even if it combines hours, how is it possible to get minus amount of hours. Yet I've recently payed for hours and didn't receive anything at all...
Hey @kazemanie I was botting on home network, not VPN. Nobody has access to the network besides myself. Yes, I do have a family member which uses RuneMate as well, but he's using different internet connection and different RuneMate account, we live separately.
Although as picture provided shows...
Hello everyone, experienced a weird thing. Well, I've been botin' since mid November, with one account most of time. What happened you can see in the pictures (Links/images provided below) I've been recently paying to receive some hours of the service and nothing happened at all, once 2$ were...
Hello everyone, experienced a weird thing. Well, I've been botin' since mid November, with one account most of time. What happened you can see in the pictures (Links/images provided below) I've been recently paying to receive some hours of the service and nothing happened at all, once 2$ were...
Hey would like to ask then what happened there : How can I have -105 hours. I've tried to buy more hours, had -405 earlier, but after recent 3$ payment it became -105. Payed so many times and still cannot bot, what the hell.. Where did my money go then? How did it go to minus
NOTE: added...