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  1. F

    Hardly suspicious, when you completely butchered any hope of selling it. You could've just...

    Hardly suspicious, when you completely butchered any hope of selling it. You could've just PM'ed me instead. No wonder the market seems half-dead, I really would not be surprised if you were the cause
  2. F

    RS3 S> 2620+ Near-MAX Main, 18 99s, GOLD PREMIER

    Your quiet a toxic character. Get lost lad.
  3. F

    RS3 S> 2620+ Near-MAX Main, 18 99s, GOLD PREMIER

    What's your problem Squid? Get off my thread
  4. F

    RS3 S> 2620+ Near-MAX Main, 18 99s, GOLD PREMIER

    For anyone interested here the link. _Aragorn - powerbot
  5. F

    RS3 S> 2620+ Near-MAX Main, 18 99s, GOLD PREMIER

    Where did I write asking price?
  6. F

    RS3 S> 2620+ Near-MAX Main, 18 99s, GOLD PREMIER

  7. F

    ApexCooker PRO [Deleted]

    Does this support making jug of water (water + grapes)? If not, please add. It's really fast exp/hr. :D Thanks
  8. F


    Reminder to add wine please. I know your busy though :D
  9. F


    Could you please add ascension shards to ascension bolts as an option, requires level 90 fletching. I bought all of stuff in bulk to use this bot, and then the option wasn't there. Would be really appreciated if you could do it. Thanks
  10. F

    Regal Hunter [Deleted]

    Could this BoT please support protean traps at grenwall. Just needs to right click auto-deploy like every 5mins and the traps do the rest. Would be really nice feature. Protean trap
  11. F

    Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

    Can protean traps be added old?
  12. F

    TheNewSummoner [Deleted]

    For the tavernly method, instead of banking, can this bot provide the noted-secondary item method, where you buy the unnoted secondary ingredient of Maggistix after selling it to him in the noted form, so there is no need to bank?
  13. F

    QualitySummoner [Deleted]

    For the tavernly method, instead of banking, can this bot provide the noted-secondary item method, where you buy the unnoted secondary ingredient of Maggistix, so there is no need to bank?
  14. F

    Alpha Summoning [Deleted]

    Instead of walking does this script do the (note secondary item, buy and sell unnoted form from Maggistix in Taverley) so that there is no banking involved?