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  1. creativeself

    Cuppa Shopper AIO (LITE) [Deleted]

    Works flawlessly, I'm not by the financial means to use the PRO version at the moment but out of curiousity when does the 1 week timer reset? Is it 7 days from last program execution or is there a weekly reset cycle?
  2. creativeself

    Cuppa Chinchompas [BETA] [Deleted]

    Progress Report: Still had 12 traps in inventory
  3. creativeself

    OSRS Chompy bird hunter

    Back this
  4. creativeself

    Regal Thieving [Deleted]

    Confirmed working at ardy knights bank booth.
  5. creativeself

    3 Tick Mining Mate

    Averaging 35k exp/hr at 65 mining Babysat for 15 minutes, no irregularities. My inventory setup is identical to OP's except I had harralanders in bank instead of marrentil/guam. Encountered no issues thus far. One thing, it does not seem to like the adjacent rock area slightly west. It defaults...
  6. creativeself

    Hexis Tithe Farm Lite [Deleted]

    Upon running the bot in 5 lanes and filling water at barrels, the bot seems to go afk after it has 100 golovanova fruit...it doesn't deposit it for some reason
  7. creativeself

    Cuppa Chinchompas [BETA] [Deleted]

    Works well- loses traps though, ran for 6 hours +- before losing all traps. Started bot with a full inventory of box traps hunting grey chinchompas. Reliably left overnight though!
  8. creativeself

    Awesome Fisher [Deleted]

    Does this support karambwans
  9. creativeself

    ApexFisher LITE [Deleted]

    Karambwan support?
  10. creativeself

    Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

    Yeah the description is misleading.
  11. creativeself

    Quantum Hall of Memories [Deleted]

    take that as a no lol?
  12. creativeself

    Quantum Hall of Memories [Deleted]

    still working?
  13. creativeself

    Regal AIO Crafter Lite [Deleted]

    Withdraws necessary materials, performs a single batch of actions (crafting bracelets for example) then logs out saying I've reached my target, when either no target has been set or a target has not been reached.
  14. creativeself

    QuickCrafter Lite [Deleted]

    osrs: Crafting gold bracelets. The bot withdraws the gold bars but does is stuck at the make bracelet interface.
  15. creativeself

    Regal Thieving [Deleted]

    I've also been getting low exp rates, at 72 thieving I'm averaging 21k exp/hr at master farmers in draynor. Not entirely sure what the issue is though as I was getting higher exp rates at lower levels while using this bot