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  1. andyroo15980

    ApexDivination PRO [Deleted]

    you must just have bad luck my friend, i run this bot from friday through till sunday night non-stop and still no ban for me and done this on 2 accounts at once and both have reached 100 div... @proxi love this script dude keep up the awesome work! (y)
  2. andyroo15980

    ApexDivination PRO [Deleted]

    no thats the 85 div spot im trying it out now @proxi edit: nope worked perfectly fine first shot for me?
  3. andyroo15980

    Resolved runemate client bug

    To whoever this may concern, a few weeks back my anti virus had a spazam and quarentined runemate and also the legacy runescape client due to it apparently being malware but i knew that was false so i unquarentined it all and i completely removed my anti virus because it was doing my head in...
  4. andyroo15980

    pm'd you @proxi :)

    pm'd you @proxi :)
  5. andyroo15980

    Qvedivination wouldnt work for me.... and yeah i keep getting a nullpointer error that i have...

    Qvedivination wouldnt work for me.... and yeah i keep getting a nullpointer error that i have submitted
  6. andyroo15980

    hey proxi, apexdivinationpro is broken when selecting incandescent energy's it just says stand...

    hey proxi, apexdivinationpro is broken when selecting incandescent energy's it just says stand closer to the rift and im standing right next to it. iv already informed a few other scriptors that there divination bots are doing the same thing aswell.
  7. andyroo15980

    nothing at all it just sits there @skrall really? none have worked for me? maybe it was updated...

    nothing at all it just sits there @skrall really? none have worked for me? maybe it was updated perhaps?
  8. andyroo15980

    incandescent option is broken bot wont start at all, also every divination bot is doing this...

    incandescent option is broken bot wont start at all, also every divination bot is doing this aswell not just yours.
  9. andyroo15980

    ApexDivination PRO [Deleted]

    bot seems broken at incandescent wisps wont start tells me to be closer to the rift and im standing right next to it? not sure if there was a rework or update for divination lately but now the wisps are purple not blue...
  10. andyroo15980

    Quantum Woodcutting Lite [Deleted]

    What location: seers village What logs: maples Closest banking option: seers village bank Anything special: axe in inventory? Game type (OSRS/RS3): OSRS after cutting full inventoryof maples it gets stuck trying to bank it right clicks on bank staff member and silly game trys to access bank...
  11. andyroo15980

    InSanE's Willow cutter [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  12. andyroo15980

    Bug ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

    @Arbiter heres the error from my logs [Debug] RuneMate Version: 2.4.0 [Debug] Java Version: 8u92 x86 (Oracle Corporation) [Debug] Operating System: Windows 10 x64 Oct 30, 2016 9:21:17 AM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node...
  13. andyroo15980

    InSanE's Willow cutter [Deleted]

    andyroo15980 updated InSanE's Willow cutter with a new update entry: InSanE's Willow cutter v1.0.3 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. andyroo15980

    InSanE's Willow cutter [Deleted]

    andyroo15980 updated InSanE's Willow cutter with a new update entry: InSanE's Willow cutter v1.0.2 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...