Thank you. Cuppa contacted me, I didnt't know we could PM. Hopefully it will be fixed. Either way I'll give yours a shot too whenever it comes out. I'll use both lol.
I'm new to runemate so haven't figured everything out yet as far as messaging people either. At the guild it mines a full inv then exits the guild and freezes at the ladders. on occasion I can get 5-10 inventories before it freezes, but usually only 1. It works flawlessly at al kharid though.
hey cuppa It's nothing on you, I use the hell out of your smelter bot for crafting. I don't know why, but I'm unable to post on your page or rate your bot it gives me the option just doesn't let me. I'm guessing its a runemate issue.
let me start by saying your bots are the best on this site. that being said I have been stuck using cuppa miner for minning (f2p) and it always fails after one inventory no matter where I mine. If you could make a minning bot for f2p that supports the minning guild and banking that would be...