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  1. aaron priest

    Rogues Den Abuse [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. aaron priest

    Rogues Den Abuse [Deleted]

    I'm on vacation. The whole bot will be re-written and will receive a new UI that has already been made by hopefully next week, maybe the week after. Please be patient, I don't have a lot of free time on my hands for projects like these! Cheers anyways :)
  3. aaron priest

    Resolved Does Runemate work with Mac?

    He did not. However I can advise you to keep your RuneMate application out of the application folder and make sure it is in the same folder the resource folder (called RuneMate) is located in.
  4. aaron priest

    Resolved Does Runemate work with Mac?

    Did you not read the thread?
  5. aaron priest

    Resolved Does Runemate work with Mac?

    Try using the stand-alone (.jar) version of the client. You can find it on Download | RuneMate
  6. aaron priest

    Rogues Den Abuse [Deleted]

    Forgot to push the fix for the crash on start up, my bad :) Next week my exams are finally all done and I'll completely re-write the bot and add this new feature, thanks for informing me!
  7. aaron priest

    Looking for help with bot.

    You should go to the bot specific page (you can find all bot here: Resources | Community | RuneMate) and select the "Overview" option of the site. In most cases, the author of the bot has written down instructions on how to use their bot.
  8. aaron priest

    Private Script

    You should make your own thread in the bot request section, saying what you are searching a developer for.
  9. aaron priest

    Resolved None of the bots are banking.. or botting

    My advice: No more oxy. In all seriousness, you should probably reach for the author of the bot you are using, by posting on the specific bots forum thread. You might wan't to find out how to properly report a bug before that, or you might not get any help/answers.
  10. aaron priest

    OSRS How to csv bulk improt accounts?

    And how is anyone trying to help supposed to get all this information from your first post?
  11. aaron priest

    OSRS How to csv bulk improt accounts?

    1. Thats not a csv file. 2. The tutorial you followed states no bank pin as "0000", not "Na". 3. I have the feeling you did not follow the tutorial at all.
  12. aaron priest

    Prime Fishing

    When barb fishing, after a fishing spot disappears, the bot starts running to the coordinate in the log over and over. The last coordinate is beyond the fence, so he can't reach it. Game mode is osrs.
  13. aaron priest

    Rogues Den Abuse [Deleted]

    Feel free to ask anything you want, I'm glad to help. But the Overview should explain everything.
  14. aaron priest

    Rogues Den Abuse [Deleted]

    No updates planned, but should work, if thats what u are asking