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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013



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MaxiBots features

All MaxiBots come with the following set of features:

Activity system
  • Configure as many activities as you want and it will move on to the next one automatically after the specified goal has been met
  • Multiple goal types: Create x amount of items, run for x amount of time, run until a level is met, or no goal at all
  • Option to log out when all activities are completed or to let the games idle timer do it for you

  • Save your activity profile and it will be remembered every time you run the bot so you don't have to waste time setting it up every session
  • Save as many profiles as you need
  • Some bots include predefined profiles for things like common 1-99 routes, how cool is that!
  • Option to automatically start the bot using the last profile that was ran

Break handler
  • We all need a break from the grind every now and then, your bot should too! Configure break profiles to make your bots play style look more humanlike
  • Save as many profiles as you need
  • Automatically generate a break profile based on min/max break length and min/max play time between breaks
  • Option to manually configure breaks, including editing breaks that were auto-generated

Item and profit tracker
  • Track all items gained or used
  • Shows item quantity, value, profit, hourly quantity and hourly profits per item
  • Shows overall profit and profit per hour

Change settings on the fly
  • Selected the wrong thing or had a change of mind mid session? No worries! Simply go back into the configuration page and update existing activities, or even add new ones. The changes will be applied as soon as you press start!

Stop after a given runtime
  • Ever worried you'll forget to stop a bot? Worry no more! With the stop timer you can set the bot to run for any number of hours and minutes and it will automatically stop when the time is up
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Jul 28, 2013
MaxiBonfires has been pushed through, I tried to do it yesterday from my phone but for some reason my browser was throwing a fit when I tried to create a new bot store entry.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
MaxiBonfires has been pushed through, I tried to do it yesterday from my phone but for some reason my browser was throwing a fit when I tried to create a new bot store entry.
Odd lol, thanks for that man. My superheater should be done in a day or two as well, just gotta find the time to finish it
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
MaxiSuperHeater has been released :) Now working on finishing MaxiPineSplitter and MaxiFletcher for release in the next 48 hours.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
MaxiFletcher is now in development! If anyone has an account on OSRS so i could add support for that it would be great. I'm also in need of both OSRS and RS3 accounts that have decent thieving, magic and construction. Thieving can be on its own. They would be used to help further the development and testing of MaxiThiever, MaxiLarderMaker, MaxiChairMaker and MaxiTabMaker.
Sep 13, 2014
Quite an impressive list of scripts you are workin on there. Any intentions of taking requests for private scripts? :)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Quite an impressive list of scripts you are workin on there. Any intentions of taking requests for private scripts? :)
Perhaps. It would depend on the scripts complexity and time required to write it. I'm a full time uni student so i have to balance my time between uni, home and scripting. Most of my scripts atm could do with a rewrite imo but they're perfectly functional. The only thing really holding me back from devving faster other than time is lack of accounts with the requirements necessary. I don't play the game and i don't have my botfarm running so i don't have any cash coming in to buy memberships atm. All that being said, if you have any scripts you'd like made post them here or send me a pm and i'll let you know if i'm able to whip something up.
Sep 13, 2014
Im not really after a script thats just "thrown" together. Im looking for something not exactly indepth but with a few specific parameters. I would much prefer to share more details on specifics in pm however. I would like it to be intelligent and as humanlike as possible in saying so I have several ideas in how to achieve this.

Lending you an account with requirements, or providing you with id's and such should be of no concern, and with members being purchasable with rsgp ingame membership would also be no problem. perhaps we should have a chat on skype sometime?
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Im not really after a script thats just "thrown" together. Im looking for something not exactly indepth but with a few specific parameters. I would much prefer to share more details on specifics in pm however. I would like it to be intelligent and as humanlike as possible in saying so I have several ideas in how to achieve this.

Lending you an account with requirements, or providing you with id's and such should be of no concern, and with members being purchasable with rsgp ingame membership would also be no problem. perhaps we should have a chat on skype sometime?
I can follow any instructions you give me given they're not ridiculous. I also use names rather than ids to minimize the risk of my scripts breaking when jagex change things. If this is not possible i can use other things like models/model hash/appearance etc. Runemate has a vast toolkit for identifying objects and the like :) Sure thing man, i'll pm you my skype
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
For the record, private scripts and their sales are fully supported by RuneMate without regulation for the immediate future. We can accomodate them into our SDN for easy deployment and updating as well. Additionally, I totally vouch for Aidden and his programming skills. He's been doing some great work here. :)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Currently working on writing a nice fletcher for all you guys! Should be out some time next week :)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
MaxiFletcher has been released! Unfortunately i wasn't able to implement the subtask system in this version but it will most definitely be added in the future.
MaxiHerblore has also been released. At the moment it only supports cleaning as i don't have a members account but if anyone wants to lend me an account i'll add in potions asap :)

Currently working on MaxiSmelter :p
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