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Dec 15, 2024
Left it overnight, 8 hours of billing were wasted as it got stuck "walking to the bank" but it was just stuck outside the my house portal - will need a refund for those 8 hours please.

Worked flawlessly when i babysat it yesterday though
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Left it overnight, 8 hours of billing were wasted as it got stuck "walking to the bank" but it was just stuck outside the my house portal - will need a refund for those 8 hours please.

Worked flawlessly when i babysat it yesterday though
Users have to request a refund. You can request it from the bot store page. Could you send me the log file please?
Oct 10, 2024
Seems to work well. Would be nice if it would select the "last tier contract" option when using NPC contact, rather than contacting Amy and going through the dialogue again. Would just make it that much more efficient.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Seems to work well. Would be nice if it would select the "last tier contract" option when using NPC contact, rather than contacting Amy and going through the dialogue again. Would just make it that much more efficient.
It's in my todo list :)
Oct 25, 2024
Anyone else having trouble with the "Max failed paths rebuilds reached, stopping the bot?". It will work well for a contract or two, tele to the house, and then won't go to the portal nexus.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Anyone else having trouble with the "Max failed paths rebuilds reached, stopping the bot?". It will work well for a contract or two, tele to the house, and then won't go to the portal nexus.
Use resizable instead of fixed screen. RuneMate currently has a bug with a certain kind of path causing it to try to click slightly too far away on the minimap
Oct 25, 2024
No, fixed screen is the one with the known client issue. Can you send the log file?
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Active plugins: [Configuration, GPU, Xtea]
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/DashboardView.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] MaxiHomes V2.6.1 started!
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/BaseView.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Creating Executor: MaxiBots-Executor
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/breaks/BreakView.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ConfigView.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/item/TrackedItems.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: SessionManager-createSession
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Creating a MaxiBots session...
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] SENDING MAXIBOTS REQUEST: { "user_id": "9ffa4b19-dbcd-4057-8ef5-46261ce31f83","account_alias": "Iron","status": "Initializing UI...","bot": "MaxiHomes","bot_id": "mahoganyhomes","version": "2.6.1","price": "0.08","state": "RUNNING","runtime": "00:00:03","billed_hours": "1","variant": "Premium","allow_remote_control": "false","tracking_id": "9ffa4b19-dbcd-4057-8ef5-46261ce31f83" }
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: fxml/MahoganyHomesView.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Waiting for setup...(1)
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-ItemTracker
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillTrackerView.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ActivityPane.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-SessionManager] MaxiBots Session ID: 1736986749-d8c60a59-a05b-4cc6-b74a-1cddb1e28aaa
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: SessionManager-updateSession
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillDetailsView.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:19,00:00:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:19:19,00:00:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction): java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@846c4e3[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 12]
19:19:38,00:00:33 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-createSession
19:19:38,00:00:33 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor SessionManager-createSession: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@7cff5fd3[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 2]
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: ActivityManager-Initializer
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Initializing...(1)
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ActivityManager] Setting activity to [Adept contract - No goal]
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Activity: {"isLeagues":false,"energyThreshold":80,"saw":"AMYS_SAW_OFF_HAND","hosidiusTeleport":{"value":"HOUSE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.HosidiusTeleport"},"npcContact":true,"faladorTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.FaladorTeleport"},"pohTeleports":true,"staff":"NONE","contractType":{"value":"ADEPT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ContractType"},"houseTeleport":"TABLET","acceptTea":true,"varrockTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.VarrockTeleport"},"runePouch":true,"tome":"NONE","hammer":"IMCANDO_HAMMER","bankAtCW":false,"ardougneTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ArdougneTeleport"},"goalCombined":"None","goalType":{"value":"NONE","className":"com.runemate.api.ui.model.ActivityGoal"},"goalValue":""}
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: RootTaskUpdater
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown ActivityManager-Initializer
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor ActivityManager-Initializer: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@4cfef402[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ActivityDetailsView.fxml
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown RootTaskUpdater
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor RootTaskUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@2be4d11e[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
19:19:48,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
19:19:48,00:00:43 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
19:19:54,00:00:48 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
19:19:54,00:00:48 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillDetailsView.fxml
19:19:54,00:00:48 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic): java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@ff8c624[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1]
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ setContract] Contract set to Jeff
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Turning the camera towards Bank Chest [3619, 9473, 0](1)
19:19:56,00:00:51 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots-Walker] Path[MateVertex(position=Coordinate(3618, 9473, 0)) -> MateVertex(position=Coordinate(3618, 9472, 0))]
19:19:58,00:00:53 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
19:19:58,00:00:53 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Turning the camera towards Bank Chest [3619, 9473, 0](1)
19:19:58,00:00:53 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
19:19:59,00:00:54 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QPlank sack\E$(1)
19:20:00,00:00:55 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Closing interfaces to check plank sack(1)
19:20:00,00:00:55 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ CommonInterfaces] Closing the bank
19:20:01,00:00:55 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
19:20:01,00:00:56 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
19:20:02,00:00:57 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(2)
19:20:02,00:00:57 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Turning the camera towards Bank Chest [3619, 9473, 0](1)
19:20:02,00:00:57 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
19:20:03,00:00:58 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QSteel bar\E$(1)
19:20:06,00:01:00 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QTeak plank\E$(1)
19:20:07,00:01:02 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
19:20:08,00:01:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QTeak plank\E$(1)
19:20:09,00:01:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] SENDING MAXIBOTS REQUEST: { "user_id": "9ffa4b19-dbcd-4057-8ef5-46261ce31f83","status": "Withdrawing ^\QTeak plank\E$","skills": [{"skill":"Magic","level":98,"levelsGained":0,"xp":13020692,"xpGained":63,"xpRate":10856,"xpToLevelUp":13739,"timeToLevelUp":4556042,"timeTo99":4556042,"progressToNextLevel":"98.88"},{"skill":"Construction","level":85,"levelsGained":0,"xp":3399621,"xpGained":0,"xpRate":0,"xpToLevelUp":0,"timeToLevelUp":0,"timeTo99":9223372036854775807,"progressToNextLevel":"41.58"}],"items": [],"settings": {"dropPatternProperty":0,"screenshotsProperty":false,"autoLoadProperty":false,"stopAfterX":false,"nameProperty":"Default","resizeWindow":false,"activities":[{"isLeagues":false,"energyThreshold":80,"saw":"AMYS_SAW_OFF_HAND","hosidiusTeleport":{"value":"HOUSE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.HosidiusTeleport"},"npcContact":true,"faladorTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.FaladorTeleport"},"pohTeleports":true,"staff":"NONE","contractType":{"value":"ADEPT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ContractType"},"houseTeleport":"TABLET","acceptTea":true,"varrockTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.VarrockTeleport"},"runePouch":true,"tome":"NONE","hammer":"IMCANDO_HAMMER","bankAtCW":false,"ardougneTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ArdougneTeleport"},"goalCombined":"None","goalType":{"value":"NONE","className":"com.runemate.api.ui.model.ActivityGoal"},"goalValue":""}],"stopMinutes":0,"stopHours":8,"screenshotFrequencyProperty":60,"logoutProperty":true},"breaks_enabled": "false","breaks_taken": [],"activities": [{"goal":"No goal","description":"Adept contract","state":"In progress","startTime":"00:00:42","endTime":"Still running","duration":"00:00:21"}],"logs": [],"session_id": "1736986749-d8c60a59-a05b-4cc6-b74a-1cddb1e28aaa","state": "RUNNING","runtime": "00:01:03","billed_hours": "1","allow_remote_control": "false" }
19:20:10,00:01:05 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:10,00:01:05 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Using House teleport(1)
19:20:13,00:01:07 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ItemTracker] Adding item Teleport to house id: 8013
19:20:15,00:01:10 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:16,00:01:10 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:16,00:01:10 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:16,00:01:11 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:16,00:01:11 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:16,00:01:11 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:16,00:01:11 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:19,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:19,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:19,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:19,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:19,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:20,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:20,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Max failed path rebuilds reached, stopping the bot(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] ---MaxiHomes V2.6.1 [OSRS] ---
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Runtime: 00:01:15
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Last status: Max failed path rebuilds reached, stopping the bot
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Active plugins: [Configuration, GPU, Xtea]
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Total profit: -522
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Shutting down all executors.
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor SessionManager-updateSession: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@34728848[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1]
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] SENDING MAXIBOTS REQUEST: { "user_id": "9ffa4b19-dbcd-4057-8ef5-46261ce31f83","status": "Max failed path rebuilds reached, stopping the bot","skills": [{"skill":"Magic","level":98,"levelsGained":0,"xp":13020692,"xpGained":63,"xpRate":6895,"xpToLevelUp":13739,"timeToLevelUp":7173372,"timeTo99":7173372,"progressToNextLevel":"98.88"},{"skill":"Construction","level":85,"levelsGained":0,"xp":3399621,"xpGained":0,"xpRate":0,"xpToLevelUp":0,"timeToLevelUp":0,"timeTo99":9223372036854775807,"progressToNextLevel":"41.58"}],"items": [{"value":522,"profitRate":-57132,"id":8013,"quantityRate":-109,"name":"Teleport to house","quantity":-1,"profit":-522}],"breaks_enabled": "false","activities": [{"goal":"No goal","description":"Adept contract","state":"In progress","startTime":"00:00:42","endTime":"Still running","duration":"00:00:32"}],"session_id": "1736986749-d8c60a59-a05b-4cc6-b74a-1cddb1e28aaa","state": "STOPPED","runtime": "00:01:15","billed_hours": "1","allow_remote_control": "false" }
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Executors pending shutdown:
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic) | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-Executor | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ItemTracker | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@12fcebae[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 73]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown ActivityManager-Initializer
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@1cea5c8e[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 34]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@76160943[Shutting down, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 73]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown RootTaskUpdater
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic) executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-createSession
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-Executor
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-Executor: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@10ae5da8[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 70]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ItemTracker
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ItemTracker: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@65fa6588[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 121]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-BreakScheduler] Shutting down the break scheduler
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] ---Thanks for using MaxiHomes!---
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Current contract: Jeff
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Contract state: Not started (0 / 0)
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Player: REMOVED, position: 11675, 1829, 1)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Active plugins: [Configuration, GPU, Xtea]
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/DashboardView.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] MaxiHomes V2.6.1 started!
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/BaseView.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Creating Executor: MaxiBots-Executor
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/breaks/BreakView.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ConfigView.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/item/TrackedItems.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: SessionManager-createSession
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Creating a MaxiBots session...
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] SENDING MAXIBOTS REQUEST: { "user_id": "9ffa4b19-dbcd-4057-8ef5-46261ce31f83","account_alias": "Iron","status": "Initializing UI...","bot": "MaxiHomes","bot_id": "mahoganyhomes","version": "2.6.1","price": "0.08","state": "RUNNING","runtime": "00:00:03","billed_hours": "1","variant": "Premium","allow_remote_control": "false","tracking_id": "9ffa4b19-dbcd-4057-8ef5-46261ce31f83" }
19:19:08,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: fxml/MahoganyHomesView.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Waiting for setup...(1)
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-ItemTracker
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillTrackerView.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ActivityPane.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-SessionManager] MaxiBots Session ID: 1736986749-d8c60a59-a05b-4cc6-b74a-1cddb1e28aaa
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: SessionManager-updateSession
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillDetailsView.fxml
19:19:09,00:00:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:19,00:00:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:19:19,00:00:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction): java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@846c4e3[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 12]
19:19:38,00:00:33 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-createSession
19:19:38,00:00:33 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor SessionManager-createSession: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@7cff5fd3[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 2]
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: ActivityManager-Initializer
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Initializing...(1)
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ActivityManager] Setting activity to [Adept contract - No goal]
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Activity: {"isLeagues":false,"energyThreshold":80,"saw":"AMYS_SAW_OFF_HAND","hosidiusTeleport":{"value":"HOUSE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.HosidiusTeleport"},"npcContact":true,"faladorTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.FaladorTeleport"},"pohTeleports":true,"staff":"NONE","contractType":{"value":"ADEPT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ContractType"},"houseTeleport":"TABLET","acceptTea":true,"varrockTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.VarrockTeleport"},"runePouch":true,"tome":"NONE","hammer":"IMCANDO_HAMMER","bankAtCW":false,"ardougneTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ArdougneTeleport"},"goalCombined":"None","goalType":{"value":"NONE","className":"com.runemate.api.ui.model.ActivityGoal"},"goalValue":""}
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: RootTaskUpdater
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown ActivityManager-Initializer
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor ActivityManager-Initializer: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@4cfef402[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/ActivityDetailsView.fxml
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown RootTaskUpdater
19:19:47,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor RootTaskUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@2be4d11e[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
19:19:48,00:00:42 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Opening the spellbook(1)
19:19:48,00:00:43 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Casting NPC Contact (Amy)(1)
19:19:54,00:00:48 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Creating ScheduledExecutor: TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
19:19:54,00:00:48 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/skill/SkillDetailsView.fxml
19:19:54,00:00:48 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-prepareScene] Loading fxml: core/view/Tile.fxml
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic): java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@ff8c624[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1]
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ RuneMate] HANDLEDIALOG - Continue condition TIMED OUT
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ setContract] Contract set to Jeff
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
19:19:54,00:00:49 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Turning the camera towards Bank Chest [3619, 9473, 0](1)
19:19:56,00:00:51 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots-Walker] Path[MateVertex(position=Coordinate(3618, 9473, 0)) -> MateVertex(position=Coordinate(3618, 9472, 0))]
19:19:58,00:00:53 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(1)
19:19:58,00:00:53 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Turning the camera towards Bank Chest [3619, 9473, 0](1)
19:19:58,00:00:53 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
19:19:59,00:00:54 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QPlank sack\E$(1)
19:20:00,00:00:55 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Closing interfaces to check plank sack(1)
19:20:00,00:00:55 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ CommonInterfaces] Closing the bank
19:20:01,00:00:55 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
19:20:01,00:00:56 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Checking plank sack(1)
19:20:02,00:00:57 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Banking at nearby bank(2)
19:20:02,00:00:57 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Turning the camera towards Bank Chest [3619, 9473, 0](1)
19:20:02,00:00:57 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Opening the bank(1)
19:20:03,00:00:58 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QSteel bar\E$(1)
19:20:06,00:01:00 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QTeak plank\E$(1)
19:20:07,00:01:02 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Filling plank sack(1)
19:20:08,00:01:03 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Withdrawing ^\QTeak plank\E$(1)
19:20:09,00:01:04 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] SENDING MAXIBOTS REQUEST: { "user_id": "9ffa4b19-dbcd-4057-8ef5-46261ce31f83","status": "Withdrawing ^\QTeak plank\E$","skills": [{"skill":"Magic","level":98,"levelsGained":0,"xp":13020692,"xpGained":63,"xpRate":10856,"xpToLevelUp":13739,"timeToLevelUp":4556042,"timeTo99":4556042,"progressToNextLevel":"98.88"},{"skill":"Construction","level":85,"levelsGained":0,"xp":3399621,"xpGained":0,"xpRate":0,"xpToLevelUp":0,"timeToLevelUp":0,"timeTo99":9223372036854775807,"progressToNextLevel":"41.58"}],"items": [],"settings": {"dropPatternProperty":0,"screenshotsProperty":false,"autoLoadProperty":false,"stopAfterX":false,"nameProperty":"Default","resizeWindow":false,"activities":[{"isLeagues":false,"energyThreshold":80,"saw":"AMYS_SAW_OFF_HAND","hosidiusTeleport":{"value":"HOUSE_TELEPORT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.HosidiusTeleport"},"npcContact":true,"faladorTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.FaladorTeleport"},"pohTeleports":true,"staff":"NONE","contractType":{"value":"ADEPT","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ContractType"},"houseTeleport":"TABLET","acceptTea":true,"varrockTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.VarrockTeleport"},"runePouch":true,"tome":"NONE","hammer":"IMCANDO_HAMMER","bankAtCW":false,"ardougneTeleport":{"value":"PORTAL_NEXUS","className":"com.runemate.bots.mahoganyhomes.data.ArdougneTeleport"},"goalCombined":"None","goalType":{"value":"NONE","className":"com.runemate.api.ui.model.ActivityGoal"},"goalValue":""}],"stopMinutes":0,"stopHours":8,"screenshotFrequencyProperty":60,"logoutProperty":true},"breaks_enabled": "false","breaks_taken": [],"activities": [{"goal":"No goal","description":"Adept contract","state":"In progress","startTime":"00:00:42","endTime":"Still running","duration":"00:00:21"}],"logs": [],"session_id": "1736986749-d8c60a59-a05b-4cc6-b74a-1cddb1e28aaa","state": "RUNNING","runtime": "00:01:03","billed_hours": "1","allow_remote_control": "false" }
19:20:10,00:01:05 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:10,00:01:05 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Using House teleport(1)
19:20:13,00:01:07 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ItemTracker] Adding item Teleport to house id: 8013
19:20:15,00:01:10 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:16,00:01:10 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:16,00:01:10 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:16,00:01:11 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:16,00:01:11 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:16,00:01:11 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:16,00:01:11 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:17,00:01:12 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:18,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:19,00:01:13 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:19,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:19,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:19,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:19,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:20,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:20,00:01:14 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to Jeff's house(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Walking to the Varrock Portal(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Status: Max failed path rebuilds reached, stopping the bot(1)
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] ---MaxiHomes V2.6.1 [OSRS] ---
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Runtime: 00:01:15
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Last status: Max failed path rebuilds reached, stopping the bot
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Active plugins: [Configuration, GPU, Xtea]
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Total profit: -522
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] Shutting down all executors.
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor SessionManager-updateSession: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@34728848[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1]
19:20:20,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] SENDING MAXIBOTS REQUEST: { "user_id": "9ffa4b19-dbcd-4057-8ef5-46261ce31f83","status": "Max failed path rebuilds reached, stopping the bot","skills": [{"skill":"Magic","level":98,"levelsGained":0,"xp":13020692,"xpGained":63,"xpRate":6895,"xpToLevelUp":13739,"timeToLevelUp":7173372,"timeTo99":7173372,"progressToNextLevel":"98.88"},{"skill":"Construction","level":85,"levelsGained":0,"xp":3399621,"xpGained":0,"xpRate":0,"xpToLevelUp":0,"timeToLevelUp":0,"timeTo99":9223372036854775807,"progressToNextLevel":"41.58"}],"items": [{"value":522,"profitRate":-57132,"id":8013,"quantityRate":-109,"name":"Teleport to house","quantity":-1,"profit":-522}],"breaks_enabled": "false","activities": [{"goal":"No goal","description":"Adept contract","state":"In progress","startTime":"00:00:42","endTime":"Still running","duration":"00:00:32"}],"session_id": "1736986749-d8c60a59-a05b-4cc6-b74a-1cddb1e28aaa","state": "STOPPED","runtime": "00:01:15","billed_hours": "1","allow_remote_control": "false" }
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Executors pending shutdown:
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic) | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession | isShutdown: true | isTerminated: true
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-Executor | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] MaxiBots-ItemTracker | isShutdown: false | isTerminated: false
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-LoggedInCheck: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@12fcebae[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 73]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown ActivityManager-Initializer
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] ActivityManager-Initializer executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ActivityDurationUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@1cea5c8e[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 34]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-RuntimeUpdater: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@76160943[Shutting down, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 73]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown RootTaskUpdater
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] RootTaskUpdater executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction)
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Construction) executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic)
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] TrackedSkill Initializer (Magic) executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-createSession
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-createSession executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown SessionManager-updateSession
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] SessionManager-updateSession executor is no longer running
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-Executor
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-Executor: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@10ae5da8[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 70]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Attempting to shutdown MaxiBots-ItemTracker
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-ThreadManager] Shutting down executor MaxiBots-ItemTracker: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@65fa6588[Shutting down, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 121]
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [Maxibots-BreakScheduler] Shutting down the break scheduler
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots] ---Thanks for using MaxiHomes!---
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Current contract: Jeff
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Contract state: Not started (0 / 0)
19:20:21,00:01:15 [INFO ] [MaxiHomes] [ Maxibots-MaxiHomes] Player: REMOVED, position: 11675, 1829, 1)
Where's your varrock portal? Looks like it was stuck trying to find it. Based on your final position it was inside your house but unable to use the portal. If your varrock portal isn't on the same floor as the main portal it won't be able to find it.
Oct 25, 2024
Where's your varrock portal? Looks like it was stuck trying to find it. Based on your final position it was inside your house but unable to use the portal. If your varrock portal isn't on the same floor as the main portal it won't be able to find it.
It is in my portal nexus right next to the portal to enter the house.

I do have a separate varrock portal in my basement so would that be the issue?
Jan 18, 2025
hey im having an issue where the bot is stuck in a loop of checking the plank sack any solutions was working fine before.