Buy and sell RuneScape goods here. Keep in mind that this forum is temporary and will be replaced with a more formal market in the future. Read stickies inside for more information.
Hey, sorry to bother, I'm new here. When I was running the Hunter 1-tick bot, I accidentally let a new hour pass when I meant to stop it. The system charged me 12c, then when I did my birdhouse run and came back, it charged me another 12c within 5 minutes of finishing the last hour. I stopped the bot to contact support. If I start it again, I'll be charged another 12c. How do I get my credits back? 24c was wasted.
This author might be on vacation because he's not been updating the scripts for quite some while. A few of them owned by the author ain't working like usual. I've stopped using muspah and gwd scripts for good until fixed.