Dan Drift Net Fisher
Best combined Fishing+Hunter xp in game!
Hexis Blackjacking
Blackjack Jack Black in his whack back
Gatsby Skilling Activities
Handles some low intensity skilling
Wintertodt SOLO
Does the Wintertodt minigame solo for more loot!
Dan Summer Garden
Best AFK Thieving xp in the game!
Misfits Zeah RC
Blood and Soul rune-crafting
Hexis 3T Skilling
Tick, tick, boom
Dan Blast Furnace
When it works, it works
Gatsby EatCut 3t Fisher
3t fishing without manip items
Gatsby WC Guild Oak Planker
Get yer oak planks here!
Succulent 3T Hunter
Hunt them, Throw them, Eat them...?
Sheep Shearer
Shears sheep for a profit
Kush Black Chin Hunter
Mastering the Art of Black Chinchompa Hunting!
Gatsby WC Guild Redwoods
Get yer redwood logs here!
3-Tick Granite Mining
3tick granite mining