Cuppa Pickpocket
Cor blimey mate, what are ye doing in me pockets?
Regal Thieving
Sneaks past bot watch to 99 Thieving
Cuppa Mixology
Mixology, the study of Mixo? It's first grade!
Kush Thiever Lite
Supports both npc's and stalls!
Dagannoth Kings Mate
Master of the combat triangle.
Kush Black Chin Hunter
Mastering the Art of Black Chinchompa Hunting!
Kush Black Chin Hunter Lite
Divine Master Farmer
Who's picking the herbs now?
Divine Master Farmer Lite
Frost-E Mixology
Jess-E... it's time to cook
Smurfs MultiBox
Control multiple accounts at once
KOR Mixology (SALE)
Refine, mix, deliver.
Always stealin seeds esskeetit
Kush Thiever
Noble 1T Magic
1-Tick Magic Mastery