Fighter Mate Beta
You can't spell slaughter without laughter
Cuppa Stall Thief [BETA]
Look at all this free stuff laying around!
Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA
Solves Hunter Rumours!
Echo Colosseum Helper [BETA]
Leave Sol Quivering in Fear!
Cuppa Item Collector [BETA]
One man's trash is another bot's treasure.
Kiko Fishing Trawler (Beta)
Angler Outfit in 3,2,1..
PAW! Hueycoatl
Hueycoatl bossing
Cuppa GoutweedTubers [BETA]
Dig up some money roots!
The Astral Runecrafter!
Daily's Slayer AIO Beta
For ANY slayer and bossing needs.
Necks Turael Skipper Booster [BETA]
Skips for more Neck
Noble KBD
Sniff the hell out of King Black Dragon
Sand Molch Hunter BETA
Almost tick perfect Molch Falconry. The Sand way.
Succulent MTA BETA
Train magic with a little more pizazz!