Blesses and chisels bones, and offers blessed bone shards with wine.
- Children of the Sun, & Twilight's Promise completed (short quests)
- at least some prayer levels (sacrificing bone shards uses prayer points, which are refilled from the altar nearby)
How to use:
- Start the bot in Ralos' Rise OR Civitas illa Fortis, with any amount of bone shards (or none!)
- (optional) if chiselling & blessing bones, have in your inventory: any noted bones, a chisel, coins
- (optional) if sacrificing bone shards, have in your inventory or bank: Jugs of wine, or Jugs of sunfire wine
- Select desired options and click "Run"
- Does everything needed for blessing bone shards at Ralos' Rise! (Similar to other bone offering prayer training methods)
- Bot will use existing blessed bone shards, or bless & chisel more
- optional: blesses & chisels all noted bones in your inventory into Blessed bone shards (requires any noted bones, a chisel, coins)
- optional: blesses wine & sacrifices your bone shards in the libations pool (requires any Blessed bone shards, and jugs of wine/jugs of sunfire wine in your bank)
- optional: direct input, for faster and more accurate clicks/performance
- optional: uses Sunfire shards on wine
Features in all of CuppaJava's Bots:
- Saves settings from last session, even when you close Runemate. Jump right back in next time!
- Customizable break handler, to log out for a little while every X minutes.
- Customizable stopping handler: to stop the bot after a selected amount of time.
- Intelligent delays between actions.
- Progress log with a bunch of info.
- My own custom, robust traversal system written from the ground up. Doesn't rely on the Runemate "web" to work!

Updated on
Feb 13, 2025
Released on
Mar 24, 2024
Most recent
Feb 28, 2025
Version: 1.1.28
Was able to process blessed bone shards for 70 prayer on a couple of accounts with this bot. Cuppa as usual is the GOAT.
Author Response
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Thank you for all your reviews!
Nov 12, 2024
Version: 1.1.22
Same issue as below. Trying to use sunkissed bones and it's getting stuck. The blessing part works great when I already have the shards in my inventory.
Author Response
Hi, can you please dm me more info on your settings and logs (found in Help > View Logs)?
I updated the bot since the other botter posted & it should be smoother already. Please try with the sun-kissed bones in the bank, not noted, as they cannot be unnoted at the npc.
Nov 01, 2024
Version: 1.1.19
Seems to work well for the actual blessing. However, it does not run when trying to chisel bones. I am trying to chisel Sun-Kissed Bones, and the bost just freezes and crashes
Author Response
Hey, Sun-kissed bones are an unusual case because they can't be unnoted at the altar and they don't need to be blessed.
However if you have them in your bank, and chiselling enabled, the bot should automatically chisel them as well. Feel free to dm me if it still won't work.
Aug 13, 2024
Version: 1.1.9
Bot was bugged but Cuppa responded the same day and fixed it. Great service!
Author Response
Jul 25, 2024
Version: 1.1.9
for a free bot its pretty unbeatable! my only suggestion would be how it chisels bones. if the chisel is in the bottom corner you can just click left and right instead of clicking so far. this would make the bot way faster.
Author Response
I kind of forget, but I thought I added logic recently to do this. If the chisel is near the end of the inv, it should chisel the last bones. Though I'll double check!