Kush AIO Woodcutter Forestry Lite

Chops and burns/fletches/banks

4 Reviews

Chops and burns/fletches on multiple locations!
  • If the location has a 'Bank/Burn' option, it'll automatically upgrade the axe to the best one you have in your bank.
  • Supports all trees except Redwood.
  • Antiban build in
  • Has the ability to burn the logs after being chopped.
  • Has the ability to fletch the logs after being dropped.

Most recent
Aug 21, 2024
Version: 2.0.2
unsure if i did somthing wrong but banned first day using it!
Jun 10, 2024
Version: 2.0.2
Works well while chopping willow and fletching but breaks after a round or 2 and stops fletching with full iventory of willow. Not sure if i am doing anything wrong? Other features work very well and gained 13 lvls WC and 15 lvls firemaking.
Apr 09, 2024
Version: 2.0.2
Doesn't seem to do any of the Forestry events? Everything else works fine though.
Mar 19, 2023
Version: 1.3.0
So far so good, appreciate it <3 ***restarting runelite fixed whatever was making the bot just stand there at teak tree behind castlewars*** Working with teak logs behind castle wars also. Thank you!