Defeats the Moons of Peril bosses in Varlamore, and handles all prep.
How to use:
- equip your combat armour & weapons (weapons can be in inventory)
- start the bot anywhere near Neypotzli (the Antechamber, other prep rooms, or Cam Torum)
- select desired options and click "Run"
- Following quests completed: Children of the Sun, Twilight's Promise, Perilous Moons
- Decent combat stats, weapons & armor (see the wiki for recommendations: Moons of Peril/Strategies)
Fishing, cooking, and herblore levels make the supplies prepped by the bot more effective in the boss fights.
- Cooked bream (fish): heals according to your Fishing/Cooking level (50% of your Fishing level, or 33% of your Cooking level, whichever is LOWER; More info on the wiki)
- Cooked moss lizard: heals according to your Hunting/Cooking level (50% of your Hunting level, or 33% of your Cooking level, whichever is LOWER; More info on the wiki)
- Moonlight potions: boost stats according to your Herblore level (restoring more Prayer points & increasing your Attack/Strength/Defence more; Formulas on the wiki)
- Efficiently & fully automatically defeats the Moons of Peril, including doing all food/potion prep
- Requires NO supplies!
- Automatically fishes/cooks fish or lizards when needed
- Automatically creates potions when needed (which count as Prayer & stat increases)
- Optionally uses special attack weapons
- Option to swap weapon style for each different boss
- Option to use Thralls
- Effectively handles all boss special attacks
- Paths efficiently depending on our supplies left & intended targets
- Loots the Lunar Chest & sends items to bank
- Saves settings from last session, even when you close Runemate. Jump right back in next time!
- Customizable break handler, to log out for a little while every X minutes.
- Customizable stopping handler: to stop the bot after a selected amount of time.
- Intelligent delays between actions.
- Progress log with a bunch of info.
- My own custom, robust traversal system written from the ground up. Doesn't rely on the Runemate "web" to work!
Bot Settings:

Updated on
Feb 13, 2025
Released on
Jun 24, 2024
Trial time
1 hour every 7 days
Most recent
Mar 09, 2025
Version: 1.0.54
The bot is running really smooth!! (all plug-ins are off). One question though, maybe i'm doing something wrong with the settings but for me it is not breaking the block of ice at the Blue Moon. It is just standing still in the circle avoiding the ice spikes. Is this something normal/ what a regular player would do?
Author Response
Glad it's working well!
Yeah, the bot currently ignores the ice block, which is a strategy that real players do use because attacking the block doesn't defeat the boss any quicker & only does less than 1 fish of damage (I saw a lot of discussion about it when the bosses first came out especially).
I can look more into making this a toggle, but there really isn't any reason to attack the ice imo.
Mar 06, 2025
Version: 1.0.54
This is an amazingly well-constructed bot. I used it early on as an under-equipped ironman, and it held out better than I was able to.
Since getting gear though, It is seriously pretty much flawless. Cuppa is also very responsive on the forums and is willing to listen to feedback and help you make sure everything is set up to get the best experience.
Thanks cuppa!
Author Response
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Mar 03, 2025
Version: 1.0.54
Flawless! Never had an issue.
Done the dragon scim combat achievement with ease and I just paused to do the eclipse clone CA manually. Thanks for the awesome bot!
Author Response

Feb 21, 2025
Version: 1.0.54
flawless script! I cant thank Cuppa enough for greenlogging Moons for me!! 10/10 would recommend to anyone
Author Response
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Feb 12, 2025
Version: 1.0.53
Fantastic!! Worked exactly how id had hoped. A little weird pathing in the chest room when looting. Other then that works great!
Author Response
I'm not seeing weird looting pathing on my end honestly, but I'll try to find what's going on