Necks Abyssal Sire

Slays the sire

24 Reviews

Kills the abyssal sire for you.

Requires: Abyssal Sire or Abyssal demon slayer task. Ornate pool, Jewellery box, and fairy ring in house.
Start with gear, shadow barrage runes, with ancient spellbook, and house tabs in inventory.
You'll most likely need stams in bank.

Sire Setup

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Updated on

Sep 15, 2023

Released on

Jun 06, 2023

Most recent
Apr 30, 2024
Version: 1.0.41
Necks has stopped updating their bots so as with others, this gets stuck constantly. AVOID
Apr 29, 2024
Version: 1.0.41
almost perfect sometime its stuck on one of the spot first wave also its not loot everything
Apr 29, 2024
Version: 1.0.41
Works for me did not need to be baby sat did traversal and banking shit fine
denn ise
Apr 21, 2024
Version: 1.0.41
Could be a 5 star review, the only 2 things that need some work are, in the first part of the fight it does not constant pray melee, it try to flick but its missing ticks so please let it pray melee constantly. Second thing is, when its house tele it just stands there and not do anything untill you manually equip a dramen staff, then it will do anything it needs to. please fix it then i make it 5 star!
Apr 11, 2024
Version: 1.0.41
bro this bot would be absolutely flawless if you updated it just a little once in a while... keeps picking up bloody ashes even tho i tell it not to and it bugs it out in the house at the pool... everytime i baby sat and burried the ashes before it banked not a single problem.. please fix your bot, people who use this script arent using burner accounts.. kinda a kick in the dick