Necks Turael Skipper Booster [BETA]

Skips for more Neck

2 Reviews

Turael skip for tasks

  • - Ice Cooler
  • - Rope
  • - Digsite (Sennisten portal or runes for spellbook swap, Pendant in house or inventory)
  • - Kourend (Portal, Tele with spellbook swap, Xerics in house or inventory) - Light source

# Slayer Master Supported Traverses

  • - Duradel
  • - Karamja gloves 4
  • - Konar
  • - Rada's blessing 4
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Nieve
  • - Slayer Ring
  • - Krystilia
  • - ItemTraverse Amulet of glory
  • - Ornate Jewellery Box
  • - Fairy Ring

# Monsters Supported Traverses

  • - Banshees
  • - Slayer Ring
  • - House Portal Salve Graveyard,
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Bats
  • - Item: Ring of the Elements
  • - Item: Digsite Pendant
  • - House Digsite
  • - House Portal Senntisten
  • - Bears
  • - Item: Quest Cape
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Birds
  • - Item: Chronicle
  • - Ornate Jewellery Box
  • - Varrock Teleport
  • - Cave Bugs
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Cave Crawlers
  • - Slayer Ring
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Cave Slime
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Cows
  • - House Portal Lumbridge
  • - Lumbridge Teleport,
  • - Crawling Hands
  • - Slayer Ring
  • - House Portal Salve Graveyard,
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Dogs
  • - Item: Desert Amulet 4
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Dwarves
  • - Construction Cape
  • - Item: Taverly teleport
  • - Ornate Jewellery Box
  • - Falador Teleport
  • - Ghosts
  • - Xeric Traverse
  • - House Xeric Traverse
  • - House Portal Kourend Castle
  • - Kourend Castle Teleport
  • - Goblins
  • - House Portal Draynor Manor
  • - Ornate Jewellery Box
  • - Lumbridge Teleport
  • - Icefiends
  • - Lassar Teleport,
  • - Ornate Jewellery Box
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Kalphites
  • - Item: Desert Amulet 4
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Lizards
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Minotaurs
  • - Item: Skull Sceptre
  • - Ornate Jewellery Box
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Monkeys
  • - Fairy Ring
  • - Rats
  • - House Portal Varrock
  • - Varrock Teleport
  • - Scorpions
  • - Ornate Jewellery Box
  • - Dueling Ring
  • - Lumbridge Teleport
  • - Skeletons
  • - House Portal Senntisten
  • - Item: Digsite Pendant
  • - House Digsite
  • - Sourhogs
  • - House Portal Draynor Manor
  • - Ornate Jewellery Box
  • - Lumbridge Teleport
  • - Spiders
  • - Ornate Jewellery Box
  • - House Portal Lumbridge
  • - Lumbridge Teleport
  • - Wolves
  • - Glider (Via Gnome Seed Pod or dueling ring)
  • - Zombies
  • - Item: Ectophial
  • - Fairy Ring

# Absolute Minimum Items

  • - Fairy Ring (Ardy Cloak / Quest Cape / House)
  • - Dueling Ring
  • - Digsite Pendant
  • - Xeric's Talisman _(or Kourend teleport)_
  • - Ice Cooler
  • - Teleports: Varrock, Lumbridge, Falador, _Kourend_
  • - Rope









Updated on

Sep 15, 2023

Released on

Jul 25, 2023

Most recent
Oct 07, 2023
Version: 0.0.72
A lot of issues, saying its beta, although its a complete copy from another necks bot: Necks slayer. needs constant supervision, not yet recommended, has a lot of promise if all the issues are fixed, there are a lot though, just a few that I quickly remember: Every time it gets a task from turadel, it clicks on it like x100 in a second, feels very weird. If using ardy fairy ring, it does not know 90% of the time how to walk to the fairy ring, tries to click it once from a far, but there's no checks on anything if the action was actually completed, this feels like a common issue with this bot: No checks if actions are completed succesfully. Got stuck in an infite loop: Teled to castle wars with a ring of dueling, went into bank and deposited some items(Restocking or whatever, doesnt say what its missing so no idea what it wants from the bank), then went back to Turadel to get task and then repeats itself by going to Castle wars. No option to disable prayer flick, does not deal with poison
Aug 10, 2023
Version: 0.0.34
Does not work at all, i've tried to use multiple times and it just stands at the bank and says "Getting a Tureal task". Please fix this as i would love to use it.