A semi-automated quest assistant, designed to make questing a breeze!
Directly interacts with the Quest Helper RuneLite plugin, so supports virtually every quest!This bot is NOT fully automated, but will complete the wide majority of quest steps for you. To get started, select a quest in the Quest Helper RuneLite plugin.
The bot will:
- Walk to your next step
- Handle NPC interaction and dialog
- Handle object interaction
- Combine items
- Use items
- Automatically flick prayers (if the quick-prayer setup window is open)
The bot will NOT:
- Handle combat
- Handle puzzles
- Bank for required items/teleports

Most recent
Mar 02, 2025
Version: 1.2.0
This bot is broken. Teleport away in the most crucial moments of a quest, making you start all over again. DONT USE IT!
Feb 18, 2025
Version: 1.2.0
5/5 because it does EXACTLY what you said it does & doesn't do. Countless quests done & some do require more babysitting then others, but this 1000% beats doing it yourself.
Feb 11, 2025
Version: 1.1.9
Works quite well however, if it requires this much babysitting it should allow the user some time to fix whatever issue it has. Has crashed multiple times wasting money for me because its thrown some error in a quest.

Feb 05, 2025
Version: 1.1.5
This bot is a game changer for Runemate and extremely useful for account building. Of course it requires babysitting, but still makes questing infinitely more mindless.
Feb 02, 2025
Version: 1.1.5
Worked well for some of the basic quests I had to do. It does require babysitting as it doesn't always perfectly interact with objects and NPCs. The best part of this bot is that you can look away for minutes at a time and focus on other things. I haven't tried it with combat or very involved quests yet, but its on my list.
Suggestion: It would be nice if the bot idles for too long or performs the same actions multiple times it pauses and alerts the user for human interaction. This is just a quality of life update so that you know when it gets stuck and needs help, and it doesn't get into a loop that may be obvious to detect.