A Lumbridge-East chicken killer and feather collector
Updated on
Sep 27, 2019
Released on
Sep 15, 2017
Most recent
Mar 28, 2022
Version: 1.1.1
Have run this around other players and when alone.
It handles locking onto other peoples chickens better than other scripts. It doesn't click as much as other scripts too, however it's probably a little too fast and precise with bone burying and right-click-attacking chickens. I noticed that the bot accidentally picked up an egg, which it dropped out of the inventory without hassle.
For a free bot, it's really good. It's own metrics are telling me that I'm making 800+ features/hour.
Would be a 5-star free chicken killing bot if it wasn't such a manic clicker, however it's worth noting that this is less manic than, say, ChickenFighter.

Jan 09, 2022
Version: 1.1.1
This script works great however the details of where to kill which farm of chickens specifically lacks a lower rating but overall, not problem running this script. Just like the user DaBigBadWolf said "...works well on the east side of the river chicken farm..." (Northeast of Lumbridge starting teleportation point crossing the river).
Jul 09, 2021
Version: 1.1.1
Actually an incredibly good resource for new developers to runemate. Written well.
Author Response
Thank you for your kindness, personally I don't think it is written that well. But it sure was a start. I'm a Unity C# developer, so going from C# to Java is a bit of a switch. AI isn't my strongest skill either.
I wish there were more examples to learn from, simple to understand commented code would've been very welcome. But I couldn't find that at the time I made it.
Last update I did was 2019 which is already 2 years ago. Not sure how safe it still is to use this script as it depends on the detection methods. I randomized some bits.
But I won't be writing an update anytime soon. There were things that I wanted to implement but I simply lacked the knowledge of the API. I lost the motivation to continue too due to that.
Maybe at some point I'll pick it up again, but I hope by then, more high quality examples are publically available.
May 03, 2021
Version: 1.1.1
It worked like a basic chicken killer script a a little slower than a normal player but hey if it runs for 9 hours straight that's great!
Mar 07, 2021
Version: 1.1.1
Ignore the bad reviews... works very well on the east side of the river chicken farm.. probably should say in the description though :)