Necks Giant Mole

Slays the Giant Mole

10 Reviews

Kills the giant mole for you.

Requires: Falador Hard
Spade, Falador Shield, Light Source or eternal fire lit (Kandarin headgear, firemaking cape, bruma torch,Bullseye Lantern supported)

HouseBank: Requires house teleport runes, ornate pool, and jewellery box
FeroxBank: Requires dueling ring, falador teleport runes
Alching: Requires alch runes
Should detect and reduce health when using Dharok's and rock cake / locator orb in invent. Will probably kill you if using divine pots (untested).

Example setup: Mole setup

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Updated on

Sep 15, 2023

Released on

Jun 07, 2023

Most recent
Feb 24, 2024
Version: 1.0.37
This is shocking. The set up is nice. Tele. food. potion. However Start the bot and it use ring of dueling straight away. Maybe after the 5 time starting it, on and off, it started to fight the Mole. Then guess what tele out. Seems like this could be a good bot. However right now its not. Shame. was looking forward to running it.
Jan 05, 2024
Version: 1.0.37
when starting it in mole tunnels, it kills once, then goes to bank, then absolutely goes nuts, drops everything into bank, then removes a whole inventory of trash, then says "wanted 1, have 0" and closes down. bot is broken.
Jan 01, 2024
Version: 1.0.37
why does it keep going to bank every single kill.... it makes no sense and takes a long time for kills...
Nov 07, 2023
Version: 1.0.37
The most recent update seems to have fixed the problems listed below, bot will withdraw correct amount of items, teleport and world switch when appropriate. Bot would attack, identify, move, pray flick, teleport and rejuvenate as described. Although Id prefer an option not to prayer flick it did manage to get something like 40 kills while I had it up with no issues. Therefore its a 5/5 at this time
jordan perez
Aug 21, 2023
Version: 1.0.30
script withdraws random shit from the bank lol