Cuppa Varlamore House Thief

Making burglary fun and easy!

9 Reviews

Uses House keys from wealthy citizens to break into houses. Optionally pickpockets for more.

  • Children of the Sun completed (short quest)
  • 50 Thieving

How to use:
  • Start the bot in Civitas illa Fortis, with any amount of House keys (or none!)
  • (optionally) Equip rogues clothing for double pickpocketing loot, when pickpocketing.
  • Select desired options and click "Run"

  • Does everything needed for the new House Thieving activity!
  • Bot will use existing keys by stealing from houses, and pickpocket when required to remove the debuff
  • optional: Pickpocket for more keys when out of keys (otherwise it'll stop when out)
  • Automatically prioritizes distracted wealthy citizens
  • Prioritizes the best object to thieve from in the house
  • Banks for food and when full of loot
  • optional: direct input, for faster and more accurate clicks/performance

Features in all of CuppaJava's Bots:
  • Saves settings from last session, even when you close Runemate. Jump right back in next time!
  • Customizable break handler, to log out for a little while every X minutes.
  • Customizable stopping handler: to stop the bot after a selected amount of time.
  • Intelligent delays between actions.
  • Progress log with a bunch of info.
  • My own custom, robust traversal system written from the ground up. Doesn't rely on the Runemate "web" to work!

Most recent
Sep 14, 2024
Version: 1.1.6
This guy is a genius and does a great job with every bot he does! Listens to the users and helps out when having issues! I hate to copy and paste this message but clearly you deserve all the positive reviews!!!!
Author Response
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Aug 07, 2024
Version: 1.1.5
works great! 53-74 agility so far no issues.
Author Response
Jul 26, 2024
Version: 1.1.5
Cuppa never disappoints
Author Response
the aurora
Jul 25, 2024
Version: 1.1.5
5/5 from me, this bot is easy to use and efficient. I was getting on average 95k per hour with a full thieving set (cuppa has a bot for that aswell) at level 90 and was lucky enough to get a rocky pet.
Author Response
Jul 13, 2024
Version: 1.1.5
This is truly one of the best bots out here keep making the good stuff please!
Author Response