Cuppa Varlamore House Thief

Making burglary fun and easy!

15 Reviews

Uses House keys from wealthy citizens to break into houses. Optionally pickpockets for more.

  • Children of the Sun completed (short quest)
  • 50 Thieving

How to use:
  • Start the bot in Civitas illa Fortis, with any amount of House keys (or none!)
  • (optionally) Equip rogues clothing for double pickpocketing loot, when pickpocketing.
  • Select desired options and click "Run"

  • Does everything needed for the new House Thieving activity!
  • Bot will use existing keys by stealing from houses, and pickpocket when required to remove the debuff
  • optional: Pickpocket for more keys when out of keys (otherwise it'll stop when out)
  • Automatically prioritizes distracted wealthy citizens
  • Prioritizes the best object to thieve from in the house
  • Banks for food and when full of loot
  • optional: direct input, for faster and more accurate clicks/performance
  • optional: chisel bone statuettes
  • UIM support: on a UIM, will drop jewelery to make space, and stop when out of food rather than banking

Features in all of CuppaJava's Bots:
  • Saves settings from last session, even when you close Runemate. Jump right back in next time!
  • Customizable break handler, to log out for a little while every X minutes.
  • Customizable stopping handler: to stop the bot after a selected amount of time.
  • Intelligent delays between actions.
  • Progress log with a bunch of info.
  • My own custom, robust traversal system written from the ground up. Doesn't rely on the Runemate "web" to work!

Most recent
Mar 05, 2025
Version: 1.1.23
It's very good and I was using it normally but as of today the script can't remove the food from the bank. I don't know why this happens.
Author Response
Glad it's been working solid. Nothing should have changed today, but sometimes game updates can temporarily break things. Restarting your PC should fix it. Feel free to dm me if it doesn't.
i never bot
Feb 18, 2025
Version: 1.1.23
This bot is soooo gooood. Love it, i know you dont like to go to UIM specific , but if u could allow food to be selected "none" the option is there but u cant start with it, even when only pickpocketing distracted citizens . Also maybe the option to drop the stolen items stattues and jewellery? Just suggestions not how much work would be required 5/5 bot tho still still works for uim if you babysit
Author Response
Hey, so I actually have added logic in the past specifically so this bot should work with UIMs :) To address your notes: - you need to select a food "in case" it loses hp, but if you're on an UIM it'll stop rather than bank for more food. and as you noted it shouldn't actually eat it ever when pickpocketing distracted only. - I think it'll auto drop junk on UIM, and chisel fragments if you have a chisel in your inv. Try it out a bit more and let me know if any of this totally prevents UIM currently; Feel free to DM
Feb 05, 2025
Version: 1.1.21
Works really well. On occasion, running into an issue where the bot won't exit the house in time and gets caught due to chiseling the statues. Removing the chisel from my inventory appears to solve that issue.
Author Response
Glad it's working well overall :) I see, I can imagine how this might happen, thank you for the info. Will look more into it and try to avoid that issue.
Jan 26, 2025
Version: 1.1.20
Cuppa back at it with the best bots and this is free . one complaint would be when it goes to look for a new house the run path it takes is very noticeable to be a bot
Author Response
Glad it's working well overall! I do agree the pathing could use some improvement. Will try to look into it more soon.
Nov 07, 2024
Version: 1.1.17
Fantastic bot, got to level 90 from 50 something, best part it is free as well! ran for over 12 hours with no issues.
Author Response