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Makes offerings at the Ectofuntus for great prayer xp
- Ghosts ahoy completion
- Ring of dueling (Required if banking at Castle Wars)
- Ghostspeak amulet
- Ectophial
- Buckets
- Pots
- Your choice of bones
- Bank at Castle Wars or Port Phasmatys
- Only grind bones
- Only fill buckets with slime
- Grind bones, collect slime then worship
- Includes randomized ecto-token collection
- If you have buckets of slime and/or bonemeal they will be used before making more
MaxiBots features
Activity system |
Profiles |
Break handler |
Item and profit tracker |
Change settings on the fly |
Stop after a given runtime |
Most recent
Jan 06, 2025
Version: 1.2.16
It works 95% of the time but I just found it spam-clicking one of the NPC's next to the ectofungus fountain, so it got stuck doing that.
Aug 02, 2023
Version: 1.1.7
Ran this for 8 hours straight last night, while the xp rates are extremely slow it ran flawlessly and I now have a boatload of ecto-tokens. Thank you so much!
Jul 28, 2023
Version: 1.1.7
Barely useful for just grinding the bones as it only takes out 9 pots and 9 bones. It does not utilize the shortcut if you are able to use it, so it's obvious you're a bot if you have the agility level to use it as the bot will run all the way around regardless.
Author Response
If its withdrawing 9 and 9 when you only have grind selected, thats a bug and a bug report would have sufficed. If you're referring to the shortcuts in the basement, which is completely unrelated to bone grinding, that will be supported when the runemate Web supports the basement. Unfortunately runemates custom web support doesn't pay attention to any vertex requirements which means it would try to use them even if you dont have the required level.
Jul 03, 2023
Version: 1.1.4
It is okay. It's good for just grinding the bones out. I like the "Only do X" feature between grinding or gathering slime. It's frustrating that it only takes an invi of 9 bones and 9 pots with the "grind only." If it can be 13 and 13, I think this would deserve a 4 or a 5 star rating. Thanks for the content!
Author Response
This was recently updated to bring the correct amount for those single task runs :)