CurvyPlankChopperRunner Trial

From tree or bank to plank

2 Reviews

Run any logs from bank to any sawmill or even chop them directly where available.

  • Takes chosen log type to local sawmill to convert into planks
  • Supports sawmills at all locations: Varrock, Woodcutting guild and Prifddinas
  • Chopping of tree for chosen log type (providing in the area) rather than taking from bank
  • Setting of budget or setting of plank goal, if use both whichever you hit first overrides the other
  • Updating settings as you go (except location and budget amount)
  • Choosing any or no run enhancer (low level energy pots may not keep running constant, but for people without access to stams)
  • Supports ring of the elements, if you have one in bank or on you it will be used if it has charges and location is Varrock
  • Custom delays, breaks and number of hours to run, all optional
  • An axe in your bank or on your person (if chopping)
  • Banked logs of your chosen type (if not chopping)
  • Coins
  • Charged ring of the elements if you wish to use it in Varrock
  • Varrock teleport runes in inventory if you wish to teleport back to bank using Varrock sawmill
Setting up
  • If you do not use budget/goal, have as much cash as you wish to spend ready in your inventory before pressing start
  • Simply position your bot at the bank of your chosen location: WCguild, east bank for Varrock or north bank for Prifddinas. Select desired settings and press start.
  • Ensure location selected is the location you are using
  • If you opt to chop logs, please make sure the trees are available at that location. Optimally, to chop oaks/normal logs for planks, use WCguild or Varrock. Chopping teak and mahogany is available exclusively at Prifddinas.









Updated on

May 07, 2024

Released on

Feb 22, 2024

Most recent
Jul 25, 2024
Version: 1.1.494
Works awesome thanks!
Author Response
Appreciate you reviewing and happy it worked for you :)
May 20, 2024
Version: 1.1.494
Works great at WC Guild Don't think it picks up birds nests tho
Author Response
Thank you very much for reviewing! That's a good point I can add the option for that, I just need to move over to the new RuneMate structure so it won't be as fast as it should be. Appreciate the feedback!