Prime Crabber

Holy Crab!

131 Reviews

Prime Crabber
Join the Prime Discord server if you need help.

  • Crabclaw Isle
  • Crabclaw Cave
  • Rellekka East
  • Rellekka West
  • Zeah Shore (East, South, West)
  • Port Phasmatys
  • Slepe
  • Fossil Island*
* If you are using potions/food, make sure you have built the bank on Fossil Island. Read more about it here

  • Hotspot: Use one location to camp on. Typically useful if you want to afk and still gain a great amount of experience!
  • Active: Run around the designated area to kill crabs! Will often lure additional crabs to maximize the experience rates.
  • Has a system in place to prevent the bot from attacking other people's crabs.
  • Automatically prevents the bot from logging out due to inactivity, in the most human way possible.
  • The following potions are currently supported
    • Attack
    • Strength
    • Defence
    • Combat
    • Ranging
    • Magic
    • Super Attack
    • Super Strength
    • Super Defence
    • Super Combat
    • Divine Super Attack
    • Divine Super Strength
    • Divine Super Defence
    • Divine Super Combat
  • The bot will automatically withdraw new potions from the bank if you run out.
  • Supports every food type in the game.
  • Intelligent food detection. Prime Crabber will scan your bank and identify the best food, and how much food, to use to optimise gameplay and make life easier for you. Alternatively, specify your own food! The UI has a useful tool which allows you to use any food, not just presets like other bots!
  • Will eat food when a certain threshold is reached. This is all based on PlayerSense values to prevent obvious patterns and create unique ones for each individual player.
  • The bot can pick up any type of supported loot in the game, including your valuable throwables.
  • If you run out of throwables, no problem! The bot will go to the bank and get new ones, and if you've run out completely, the bot will stop.
World hopping
  • You have the option to enable world-hopping when you are being crashed by another player and/or when a cannon is active in your area. Both options are completely optional.

Most recent
Sep 05, 2024
Version: 4.2.7
well i have to rate it based off my experience. it ran for 10hrs and got 5k xp. basically, it had to re-aggro once and got caught on the stool near the bank on fossil island and stood there the entire time.10hrs it ran. 5k xp.
Aug 28, 2024
Version: 4.2.7
It works much better than any other crabber script within the Isle! The only issue I have is that the stats only track defense and strength, but won't let me track the stat goals for the attack skill. Any suggestion on this?
Aug 10, 2024
Version: 4.2.7
Completely bugged. Tried it in Fossile Island Middle and it spam clicks a crab, then runs out of range and keeps clicking on water forever, does not come back to the dedicated spot. Wasted credits on it.
Jul 18, 2024
Version: 4.2.5
honestly has bugged out very rarely . I enjoy it
Author Response
Thank you, Apple head!!
May 02, 2024
Version: 4.1.11
Works well for about an hour. After that it must go downhill really really fast. 41k exp over 4 hours at a triple Ammonite Crab spot...... I get that per hour manually at my levels, resetting aggro every 15mins.... Not worth the 0.08/hr whatsoever.