Misfits Revenants

Revenants made easy

4 Reviews

Supports Ether Charged Bows and Mace
- will Recharge and activate them
Ether bracelet will always be set to absorb ether from revs
- will un-charge, and recharge with lessor ether counts if it reaches over 1k charges
Enemy Tracking services
- Optional but Highly recommended
- Allows all users to know all Enemy players
- This system allows us to determine a potential enemy before they can even attack or skull
Supports Dragonstone evasion teleports




dark sage





Updated on

Jul 24, 2024

Released on

Jun 11, 2024

Most recent
Aug 28, 2024
Version: 1.1.2
it doesnt function. at all. the first time i ran it, it just kept teleporting over and over to ferox. no big deal, i started it over again inside ferox instead. it leaves ferox, runs into the bandits where it then dies. all while saying "setting anchor point" who knew the south entrance was in the bandit camp. glad i used the trial at least.
Aug 25, 2024
Version: 1.1.2
Can't use it cause my ironman doesn't have a ROW or a Glory, if you can fix the option to have a ring of dueling to leave or no emergency exit option, I would def use this and a lot more people would too! thanks
Author Response
I will look into removing it being a required option
Jul 16, 2024
Version: 1.1.0
Constantly telling me 'emergency teleport missing' Can't use this.
Author Response
how about providing useful feedback, and log files so that i can re-create and resolve this issue. Your "Emergency teleport missing" maybe thats the issue.. do you have charged glories, or charged ring of wealths? it does NOT support an eternal
Jun 12, 2024
Version: 1.0.beta.0
On good road to become good usable bot, but right now teleports unnecessary when it see's a skulled player, witch is everyone around you. and in 30 minutes brought me a total of 3 REV ORK kills, witch leaves you at 6 kills per/H. will try again after few months.
Author Response
try a lower population base world, i have sat for hours around skulled players. If its teleporting out its cause their is a known player killer or a player gear liked a PK'er The bot compares against a database of enemy players (over 7900 unique names) then compares against skull/gear, if the skull is based on avarice it ignores it, if the player is skulled without avarice yes its gonna leave