Vanquish the King Black Dragon!

8 Reviews

* Equipment config
* Break handler
* Supports POH restoration
* Supports combat potions
* Supports Piety/Rigour

If you encounter any bugs or have feedback feel free to reach me out in the Noble Discord server:
Join the BB & Noble Bots Discord Server!

Bot is supposed to be 1 tile away from KBD (melee range) for max efficiency.

Most recent
Feb 06, 2025
Version: 2.2.0
This one's broken. I've become quite good at setting bots up, this one just simply does not work. Crashed within the first minute no matter what options I select. Needs an update...
Aug 30, 2024
Version: 2.0.6
Works pretty well, wish it had looting options for bones / d'hide
Aug 03, 2024
Version: 2.0.6
Hi, good bot, it kills kbd easy, but going from lava maze it takes a while to start running to the ladder, and after teleing out to PoH it just stands there. any fixes please?
Mar 30, 2024
Version: 2.0.4
Def have to watch as its new but I'm glad this exists. A couple issues i noticed: - Handling of the spec wep isnt great, it seems to keep it equiped and doesnt go back to the regular equipment loadout. But, you can go without a spec wep so its not a big deal. - Seems to mass click KBD during fights which makes it sus. - Was on "Pathing to refreshment" at ferox but it decided to go to lava maze with 15hp instead - Doesn't walk under KBD very well if at all - Seems to wait for KBD to spawn before it loots - If you bring a ring like berserker, itll unequip it for a ring of dueling.
Jan 02, 2024
Version: 2.0.4
bot is busted, it preps for kbd, travels to kbd, then script just stops once it clicks on kbd. I will fix rating when the bot is fixed.
Author Response
Thank you for providing no logs whatsoever, there's a discord link once u start the bot and you can post logs there so I can look up the issue.