MaxiCooker 1 Tick

Fastest cooking xp? Not a problem.

22 Reviews

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Cooks Karambwan using the 1 tick method. This is the fastest cooking xp in the game. Up to 900k xp/hr


  • Level 30 Cooking
  • Completion of Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest - You must talk to the Tinsay after the quest to unlock Thoroughly cooking Karambwans

Supported locations:

  • Hosidius kitchen - Requires 100% Hosidius favour
  • Mor Ul Rek (Tzhaar city) - Requires a fire cape that you've shown to the NPC at the gate
  • Myths guild - Requires completion of Dragon slayer 2
  • Rogues den
Supports Direct Input and is recommended for tick perfect cooking every time. Must be enabled in the RuneMate settings and in the activity.

MaxiBots features

Activity system
  • Configure as many activities as you want and it will move on to the next one automatically after the specified goal has been met
  • Multiple goal types: Create x amount of items, run for x amount of time, run until a level is met, or no goal at all
  • Option to log out when all activities are completed or to let the games idle timer do it for you

  • Save your activity profile and it will be remembered every time you run the bot so you don't have to waste time setting it up every session
  • Save as many profiles as you need
  • Some bots include predefined profiles for things like common 1-99 routes, how cool is that!
  • Option to automatically start the bot using the last profile that was ran

Break handler
  • We all need a break from the grind every now and then, your bot should too! Configure break profiles to make your bots play style look more humanlike
  • Save as many profiles as you need
  • Automatically generate a break profile based on min/max break length and min/max play time between breaks
  • Option to manually configure breaks, including editing breaks that were auto-generated

Item and profit tracker
  • Track all items gained or used
  • Shows item quantity, value, profit, hourly quantity and hourly profits per item
  • Shows overall profit and profit per hour

Change settings on the fly
  • Selected the wrong thing or had a change of mind mid session? No worries! Simply go back into the configuration page and update existing activities, or even add new ones. The changes will be applied as soon as you press start!

Stop after a given runtime
  • Ever worried you'll forget to stop a bot? Worry no more! With the stop timer you can set the bot to run for any number of hours and minutes and it will automatically stop when the time is up


For best results start in the cooking location - Ability to walk to the location isn't guaranteed.
Using Direct Input is highly recommended.

If using Direct Input:

There are no requirements besides having the fish and starting in the cooking location for optimal results.
To enable Direct Input go to your RuneMate settings and scroll down to the Advanced features section

If not using Direct Input:

Make sure the game is in resizable mode before starting the bot.

The game window should be left at the default size or as small as it can be before it starts cutting of the edge of the game. If the window is too large it won't be able to interact with the clay oven.

Short video of the bot in action: click here









Updated on

Feb 24, 2025

Released on

Jul 14, 2020

Trial time

30 minutes every 7 days

Most recent
Oct 27, 2024
Version: 1.1.27
looks like ur a crackhead, so dd under someone if u can, or low population areas on low world. Ik if i saw someone cooking like this i’d 100% know they’re a bot, bc it’s completely absurd.
Sep 09, 2024
Version: 1.1.27
Fast 99 cooking. Flawless.
Aug 12, 2024
Version: 1.1.27
Worked perfectly, fantastic bot
Jul 08, 2024
Version: 1.1.25
Works perfectly
Jun 14, 2024
Version: 1.1.25
900-920k xp per hour i got with 99 cooking at myths guild (ds2). excellent bot. low ban rate as well