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CS Undergrad looking to join a team

Jun 21, 2014
Hey I just completed my second year in Computer Science and I recognize this as an opportunity to apply the knowledge I've learned across my undergrad.

Here are my competences:

- JavaScript: working with Express, Node.js, Closures, Prototypes, Scope.
- Java: knowledge of advanced data structures like B-trees, binomial and fibonacci heaps, AVL/Red Black trees, Splay Trees, Skip Lists, tries etc.
- C: Have written parity testers, multithreaded programs, working with bits and pointers.
- C++: Using data abstraction techniques, design patterns such as memento and mediator.
I would like to invest 2 hours a day for the next few months if possible and minimize interaction with the game and focus on JavaScript if possible, thanks!

No longer looking for a team.
Last edited:
Apr 20, 2018
What applications would Javascript have for botting? I was under the impression that it was Java based, unless you plan to do some web dev for a team and make some pretty cool integrated tools.
Jun 21, 2014
What applications would Javascript have for botting? I was under the impression that it was Java based, unless you plan to do some web dev for a team and make some pretty cool integrated tools.
From what I understand, JS is used widely in making things like dynamic signatures and other useful tools. I just remember other bot devs using it here.