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Carbon Slayer [Dev Thread]

Official Oldfag
Apr 1, 2017
Whats up yal.

I'm Ryan[RuneCrafter] (didn't think when I made my account name). I was an impsoft developer, rsbots.net dev, rsca contributor etc. Been making bots since before a lot of people starting playing.

My buddy recently told me about this client, and I'm super impressed by it. Excited to make a few quality bots for it. I figured the first one should make an impression, and thought I'd give yal a slayer bot.

Currently I'm about 12/24 of the way through Turaels task.

I'm adding in new tasks, teleportation nodes and more advanced methods everyday as I adapt my old API and get used to this new way of coding. I like the tree loop setup. Gunna need to look into player sense.

But yea my current todo list is to finish up all of Turaels tasks, then release for public use. Turael will always be free. Should be up in a few days.

Gui pic:

Will have equipment profiles, prayer flicking etc. Will finish Turael asap and start work on vannaka.

So what do you think. Too good to believe eh? If there's anyone here from impsoft, rsca etc and wants to let me prove who I am, hit me up. Or if you have any questions or suggestions for the bot.

Update Log:
(Started a few days before this, but no log then)
-Added birds (chickens)
-Added minotaurs (coded my stronghold web, will get to ankous as well. requires 2 step authentication to be setup to navigate correctly).
-Added ghosts
-Added bears
-Added goblins
-Added dwarves
-Added home teleport support to my web
-Added a few new banks and a few new tablet teleports as well.
-Added Wolves (10:50pm-Kills in stronghold)

-Added Spiders
-Added Scorpions
-Added Kalphite workers(Including desert to web with waterskin/ropes obviously. Buys passes/skins/ropes from shantay with coins if you don't have them)

-Added Cows
-Added Zombies
-Added Monkeys
-Added Skeletons
-Added Cave Bugs (8:13pm)
-Added Icefiends
-Added Glory tele support (equippable with replacing for more charges)
-Added dogs
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Aug 23, 2015
Welcome to RuneMate! Very exciting project. You should look into EmbeddableUI sooner rather than later. No point developing it the way you are just to switch over later.
Official Oldfag
Apr 1, 2017
Welcome to RuneMate! Very exciting project. You should look into EmbeddableUI sooner rather than later. No point developing it the way you are just to switch over later.
Whats the benefit? We had an embeddable ui option at nexus that like 1 person (cough kevin cough (kMiner if people remember it)) used because it was aids. Why should I use it here?
EDIT: asking like legitimately not trying to be a dick lol
Aug 11, 2016
Whats the benefit? We had an embeddable ui option at nexus that like 1 person (cough kevin cough (kMiner if people remember it)) used because it was aids. Why should I use it here?
EDIT: asking like legitimately not trying to be a dick lol
They might not even accept your bot if its not embeddeded. Also it looks nicer and is easier to use imo
Official Oldfag
Apr 1, 2017
They might not even accept your bot if its not embeddeded. Also it looks nicer and is easier to use imo
Interesting, well I'll convert it later if they refuse it. But that seems strange, unless there is a better reason. Cause looking nicer/easier to use is an opinion. I love this client, I think its fantastically designed. But I don't agree, personally, that it looks better with embedded.

That being said, GUI isn't the hard part of this and that takes not very long. Not super worried about it in the long run, thanks for the heads up.
Aug 23, 2015
Interesting, well I'll convert it later if they refuse it. But that seems strange, unless there is a better reason. Cause looking nicer/easier to use is an opinion. I love this client, I think its fantastically designed. But I don't agree, personally, that it looks better with embedded.

That being said, GUI isn't the hard part of this and that takes not very long. Not super worried about it in the long run, thanks for the heads up.

I don't know if new bots are required to use embeddableUI or not, I can just tell you there hasn't been a new bot with a non-embedded UI in many months.

That being said, it's undeniable that embeddable UIs have a much higher potential for aesthetics than traditional ones. Take a look at the UIs of Party, Slashnhax, Aidden, etc. You'll see the possibilities that embeddable UIs provide. Also, you cannot draw on the client. So unless you're planning to have a transparent overlay window to put your statistics and such on, you'll have to use embeddable UI anyways.

If after looking at these you still personally don't think it looks better, take the word of almost every user and developer on the forums that it does. Maybe you just really, really don't have a knack for UI design lol.
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
@RyanTest Swing is not allowed in normal bots iirc. You have to switch to JavaFX. That's the rules i believe.
Official Oldfag
Apr 1, 2017
@RyanTest Swing is not allowed in normal bots iirc. You have to switch to JavaFX. That's the rules i believe.

That's fine if it's a rule, is there a reason?

I don't know if new bots are required to use embeddableUI or not, I can just tell you there hasn't been a new bot with a non-embedded UI in many months.

That being said, it's undeniable that embeddable UIs have a much higher potential for aesthetics than traditional ones. Take a look at the UIs of Party, Slashnhax, Aidden, etc. You'll see the possibilities that embeddable UIs provide. Also, you cannot draw on the client. So unless you're planning to have a transparent overlay window to put your statistics and such on, you'll have to use embeddable UI anyways.

If after looking at these you still personally don't think it looks better, take the word of almost every user and developer on the forums that it does. Maybe you just really, really don't have a knack for UI design lol.
Lol lots of salt comin from here. Did I reference drawing on the client? Why does it matter what my gui is. You care about the bot don't you? I own phenomenal swing look and feels that look great, I can add them in the next picture and make it all pretty if you really want.

Wait no, no I won't do that lol. I just wanna know if there's like a security reason it isn't allowed. If it's just aesthetics, I'll call it annoying. I don't care what you think looks good on a gui as long as its functional, easy to use, and not disgusting. That's what my gui is lol.

But if it's a rule I'll fix it. Really don't get why it matters.
Go check out new bots and give helpful feedback.
Jan 31, 2016
That's fine if it's a rule, is there a reason?

Lol lots of salt comin from here. Did I reference drawing on the client? Why does it matter what my gui is. You care about the bot don't you? I own phenomenal swing look and feels that look great, I can add them in the next picture and make it all pretty if you really want.

Wait no, no I won't do that lol. I just wanna know if there's like a security reason it isn't allowed. If it's just aesthetics, I'll call it annoying. I don't care what you think looks good on a gui as long as its functional, easy to use, and not disgusting. That's what my gui is lol.

But if it's a rule I'll fix it. Really don't get why it matters.
I believe something to do with Swing not being Thread safe :)
Official Oldfag
Apr 1, 2017
I believe something to do with Swing not being Thread safe :)
Yea that makes more sense. Swing had a few issues 5 years ago and they were trying to switch to AWT, now its JavaFX? Its been awhile.

Well that's an annoying other step. I'll probably finish writing the Turael tasks then recode the fuckin gui.

Thanks for the heads up though I guess.

EDIT: Making the complex slayer gui in the embedded ui is gunna make me wanna kill myself for sure. So many tabs and the equipment saver and fuck. I'll deal with it after turael, it's just gunna delay when I release the free version though.
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Official Oldfag
Apr 1, 2017
If you want to handicap yourself go ahead, no skin off my back. Good luck!
Idk where you see me saying that I'm not gunna use the embedded ui. I only say that I don't think it looks good. And that I wondered why there was a rule against swing, which awesome123 happily pointed out. That sated my wonder. I am gunna make my ui embedded for release. The turael version only needs a few options anyways so it won't delay much there.

You were so nice in your first post, then you became such a dick wot happened mate lmao. So angry sounding. Its just a gui.
Aug 23, 2015
No need for negativity, I hope your bot goes well! There's a very active developer slack you should look into joining. Hope you enjoy Runemate.
Aug 11, 2016
Yeah RuneMate has tons of rules, but I guess its supposed to make it safer (?), I personally don't care which UI you'd use tho :) GL.
Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Hey! Good effort with the start of the bot, you're making good progress. There are a few things you should check out, have you joined the developer channels on Slack and/or Discord? You can find them here. Good luck!