Here's a class I created awhile ago: http://puu.sh/8dcgQ.txt
Varps for farming, thanks to Method:
## Allotment
format: sspp pppp
- plant types and growth states (p bits):
-- 0x00 - 0x03: layers of weeds removed (0x00 meaning no weeds removed, 0x03 meaning all weeds removed), iff...
SpriteItem#interact seems to be broken (oldschool)
Bank#open doesn't work on chests
ItemDefinition seems to be screwed upon Bank#open, this happened when I called Inventory#containsAnyOf: http://paste.strictfp.com/40090/14acdb76f72f0c96f7df5cda3cf68bf9
Another error upon simply calling...
Bank scroll doesn't work while input is toggled off
May be because item isn't found. But regardless, it scrolls in the bank once I turn input onl.
http://puu.sh/7XCFm.png - status is directly drawing the detected food name from ItemDefinition#getName
it finds the item, its bounds are off...
http://puu.sh/7Fwyc.png -- they don't align with the headers.
http://puu.sh/7FwBo.png -- empty rows shouldn't be hoverable/selectable.
http://puu.sh/7FwIw.png -- the last header isn't the same width as the scrollbar.
http://i.gyazo.com/c5d7d26f7354bc8c3cca718d2c3a5772.png -- text looks a bit...
Hey, all. I've been around for awhile--just never introduced myself here. I'm Static, you probably know me from various places. Just dropping by to say hello and that I'll drop a script or two here sometime!