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  1. fabreze

    Free Bot's.

    Break-handlers are at the discretion of the bot author, it's not something that's implemented client-wide
  2. fabreze

    Fabreze Cannoner[BETA] [Deleted]

    Fabreze updated Fabreze Cannoner[BETA] with a new update entry: Fabreze Cannoner[BETA] v2.0.5 Released! Read the rest of this update entry... Oops yea I gotta add smoke staff :confused: weird, can you describe it a lil more? So it shows that message after it's already tele-grabbed the...
  3. fabreze

    Fabreze Motherlode Miner [Deleted]

    So what exactly is going on? I'm getting multiple reports of it just sitting at bank but nothings changed in the code in weeks?? Can you tell me what's happened exactly, did it get stuck right off the bat? What were your settings? Also, issued refund!
  4. fabreze

    Chat spam bot

    Isnt autotyper a built in feature of osrs? Why cant you use that?
  5. fabreze

    Why thank you sir :D

    Why thank you sir :D
  6. fabreze

    Prime NMZ

    Hmm that's weird, don't really know then, could be a bug but idk what those logs are really saying besides it seems to get messed up banking/finding the rock cake, @Party
  7. fabreze

    Prime NMZ

    You're on an f2p world lol It says "Members Object" when it's trying to locate the Rock cake lol
  8. fabreze

    Resolved Infinite loading screen ''new instance''

    If you don't mind posting the fix so others in a similar situation can try it out! Thanks
  9. fabreze

    Resolved Infinite loading screen ''new instance''

    "Can't load AMD 64-bit .dll on a IA 32-bit platform" You have 64bit java installed and Runemate/OSRS only handle 32-bit, you'll have to uninstall whatever version of Java you currently have and install a 32 bit version!
  10. fabreze

    Question Banking actions very inaccurate (possible bug?)

    while loops :rolleyes:.... How is your bot logic currently set up? Interaction methods are never going to be 100% accurate, I recommend setting up your logic in a way that your tree/loopingbot can't progress further to another class until it has completed the interaction successfully/has that...
  11. fabreze

    Prime NMZ

    What are your settings?
  12. fabreze

    Question My paid botting time.

    The 200 hours doesnt stack, if you payed $5, you get 500 hours total not 700
  13. fabreze

    Question Can't get Mac version to work

    There’s a bunch of threads about this already, look it up on forums and you’ll find the fix
  14. fabreze

    OSRS Barrel balance

    That means it’s in the bot queue waiting to be reviewed and released shortly
  15. fabreze

    OSRS Ectofuntus Crusher Bot [OSRS]

    Completing the questline for this takes like an hour and a half max ya lazy ass
  16. fabreze

    OSRS Birdhouse bot

    How much would you be willing to pay per hour...?
  17. fabreze

    Community feels dead?

    It's still alive and kicking, just more so on some days then others, discord is still quite active, blows up my notifications from time to time haha
  18. fabreze

    Community feels dead?

    Most people that bot aren't really active on forums, it's more the supporters/developers which there are a more limited number of, plus most devs do this in their free time so they don't have much time to just be browsing every forum and responding to everything you feel me.
  19. fabreze

    OSRS cannon filler

    Fabreze Cannoner[BETA]