Could you add a Main Weapon / Finisher Weapon for fighting animals like rockslogs and for instance you use the blowpipe but to kill them you switch to brine sabre. That would be dope to add in my opinion as well as a spec usage / spec weapon option for extra xp ph.
Would also like to see cannon...
Looks like a good account mage and range need to be higher but that is very easy to do with agility out of the way already makes this account nice. How much you thinking?
Would like to see a max efficiency dart tip maker that isn't slow
Would be cool to also see it click like this: For those of you that don't know, if you're smithing dart tips/bolts, here is how you bank without missing ticks
Well it depends on his combat level and cannon. If you have nieve you can fly through lvls with a cannon as your getting good ass xp. But if you are low lvl and don't have nieve your getting shitty tasks with like 20xp per kill but yes probably 8.