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  1. kawabungadk

    [S] Amazon/Twitch Prime- cheap, 7-day Runescape Membership

    this guy is a scammer he scammed me for 30mil i was buying 4 codes but he insta logged off discord as soon as i traded him... why scam for silly 30mil xD
  2. kawabungadk

    OSRS road to botted max main (CLOSE) 3 stats left

    if you really read the post youll realise thats a dumb question xD
  3. kawabungadk

    Quantum Rorarii [Deleted]

    ty forgot to do that XD
  4. kawabungadk

    Quantum Rorarii [Deleted]

    why has this still not been taken down?
  5. kawabungadk

    Question RS3 client crashes

    i have the same issue... it happened after a rs update so its prop. fagex at it again with the great updates :O but yea you can get a bot running if you just keep trying.. i can at max get 3 instances running on one pc atm thou :O GL
  6. kawabungadk

    Question Anyone else having issues?

    yep for me it happens with every bot so ye :O
  7. kawabungadk

    Odds of getting main banned for a raids scout bot?

    they have to have proof of you botting... reasonable suspicion is not enough for a ban :)
  8. kawabungadk

    ApexDivination PRO [Deleted]

    still happens and might actually be worse then the earlier update..
  9. kawabungadk

    RuneMate Money Racket Service.. FFS

    i know what your trying to say but thats also just a easy way to explain yourself out of it.. like i remember so many posts through the years about how the system could be changed or how it makes no sense but what they got was a shitfest the same way op is getting on now.. so yea it might...
  10. kawabungadk

    RuneMate Money Racket Service.. FFS

    its wierd like 80% or something of the people who uses rm thinks that the hour system is a confusing and outdated system.. all im saying is your acting like op is crazy when he is just a normie but who subjects himself to you wierdos and suddenly he is wierd.. its normal when you buy something...
  11. kawabungadk

    RS3 Buying account with prif acces

    so yea im looking for a acc with Plague's End completed. im not looking for a maxed acc but still something endgame-ish.. can pay with paypal or rsgp... if your trusted ill go first
  12. kawabungadk

    gratz with premium visualrm you 100% deserve it! <3

    gratz with premium visualrm you 100% deserve it! <3
  13. kawabungadk

    Do AIO Mining [Deleted]

    drakolith, runite and orichalcite (those are just the ones i checked) btw left it overnight and got 1 inv kinda sucked :O
  14. kawabungadk

    Do AIO Mining [Deleted]

    i think also it dosnt work with ore box cause it never banks and just clicks the deposit ore box 24/7 when full inv + full box
  15. kawabungadk

    OSRS Buying 90+ thieving accounts

    id say triple is still low balling by a bit.. :O (atm the demand for osrs acc/gps has never been higher cause mobile)
  16. kawabungadk

    QuickCrafter PRO

    if crafting urns at portable it cant run more than half a hour without crash and if crafting urns at pottery its insanely slow from and to bank + also crashes alot.. until fix i would recommend spending your money on this..
  17. kawabungadk

    pepsigold dont buy

    you make it sound like they asked me for a receipt? they asked for multiple screenshots and 2 days ago i agreed to one thing with the owner which yesterday in his eyes i missunderstood so we made a new agreement for today which he then also told me i missunderstood and even went as far as to...
  18. kawabungadk

    pepsigold dont buy

    i just bought 10m osrsgp from pepsigold (site) and 2 times they change the steps i have to go thrue to prove ive sent payments via paypal.. long story short they tried to make me send as much personal info as i could.. what they would do with that info i got no idea just dont trust these guys...
  19. kawabungadk

    Bug not able to bot

    all of them so its not the bots.. but something with my java,RM or runescape client.. fyi. the logs are just failed to click object over and over so didnt feel like they needed to be included.. 00:01:31 INFO Interacting with *********(level: 0, position: 2276, 3058, 0) 00:01:31 DEBUG...
  20. kawabungadk

    Bug Bot keeps hovering but not clicking objects

    do you know if this guy found a fix for his issue?