Mind implementing Dragon Pickaxe special support?
Also is there a reason the reaction time has kind of slowed down a bit?
A few days ago it was incredibly speedy, now it's kind of sluggish
Is it just Runemate?
Mind refunding my 10 cents?
I selected the wrong bosses and ran for 10 minutes before I cancelled @Party
Also, what are the best bosses for XP/H with these stats?
Selected wrong bosses and had to stop again -_-
Bot is working amazingly well!
I don't have any money for Prime NMZ and your bot is working great!
Thanks <3
Does anybody know why I'm getting such low XP?
I'm using full Dharoks and a granite maul as my spec weapon?
My stats are 75/93 (almost 94)/75
It didn't work at Baxtorain Falls and it ate my 8 cents D:
Can you refund it to me?
I'm retarded, OSRS is broken currently and I tried to run it -_-
Can I sitll ahve my 8 cents though? XD
No, well, kind of.
There will always need to be a framework like RuneMate/Powerbot/SRL-6 (villavu) in order for it to work, so no.
Unless they make their own botting platform then no
We'd need RuneMate's API and everything else that is currently server-sided.
Also if the offsets change of RS then we'd need to do a lot of the work, but I doubt RuneMate will "hut down"