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  1. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    I've uploaded the update, once it's approved you'll get a notification that the bot has updated and the issue should be resolved :) Banking is a bit of a challenge, but I'm working on it. Sorry to hear about that :/ Probably accidentally clicking on that button whilst walking using the...
  2. ozzy

    Resolved OSRS - ItemDefinition.getEquipmentSlot() returns null

    This is only happening on OSRS @Cloud ItemDefinition.getEquipmentSlot() returns null (on valid items that are equipped), however Equipment.getItemIn(Equipment.Slot) returns correctly Here's a picture of the equipment tab in the dev kit:
  3. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    That shouldn't be difficult, I'll see what I can do, thanks for the info :) Yes I should be able to fix that relatively easily if the problem is what I think it is, I'll try and get that done today.
  4. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Ozzy updated MassFighter with a new update entry: MassFighter v1.9.5 Released! - The bot can now re-equip throwing weapons which have been looted (Knives, Thrownaxes, Darts) - A new option is available to specify how many (arrows, throwing weapons etc.) need to be in your inventory before they...
  5. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Back to business. I'm off to sleep now and so I probably won't be awake to edit the update post and fill in the details, but when you see the latest notification that MassFighter has been updated your requested improvements to re-equipping will be available :) The latest update details (when...
  6. ozzy

    New to Runemate

    Welcome to RuneMate, you'll like it here :).
  7. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Ozzy updated MassFighter with a new update entry: MassFighter v1.9.4 Released! - Improved combat detection, fixing a bug with caged npcs - Prioritised camera over pathing based on user feedback, the bot will attempt to path if locating the target via the camera fails or isn't possible. - Fix...
  8. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Thanks for the ideas, banking is certainly on the agenda, I just need to learn how to do a few things with the web first, but I want this too :) Thanks! I'll see what I can do in relation to locating targets today.
  9. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Will do first thing tomorrow, thanks for letting me know, I could have introduced an issue with unreachable npcs.
  10. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    RuneMate is having server troubles at the moment :(
  11. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    That's weird they should be blacklisted :/ I'll check it out.
  12. ozzy

    Last nights bot session

    Reinstalling your OS won't give you a new IP, your best bet is to make a new account with a legitimate email, get members, do a bunch of quests on it and get yourself set up as you would like to be if you were planning on playing that account legit. VPN's are also probably as likely to get you...
  13. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    I blacklisted that NPC on OSRS, are you on RS3? Sure thing :)
  14. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Sorry I totally forgot to reply to your message after I quoted you, the reason I have the logic like that at the moment is to reduce the occurrence of the bot trying to interact with something which is hidden behind an interface, but I will definitely work on allowing the user to have more...
  15. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    The problem is solved now, sorry for the troubles.
  16. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    There seems to have been a bug pop up when updating the version which is causing issues (I think this is out of my control), I've reported it and hoping for a quick solution :)!
  17. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Ozzy updated MassFighter with a new update entry: MassFighter v1.9.3 Released! - Antifire Support - Option to stay out of melee range of targets (useful for dragons or any npc which prefers to range you) - Fix for profit calculation picking up noted items - Improvements to combat detection...
  18. ozzy

    Show commit notes in bot update nofications

    Any chance we could get our commit notes quoted in the update message posted on a bots thread? It would encourage bot authors to write good commit notes as well as notifying users as to what changes have occurred.
  19. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    Yes the inventory has to be full before notepaper is used, as for the looting problem that occurs when the client reports the loot is visible (because it probably is a tiny bit) but it isn't visible enough to actually loot, as a temporary work around I'd suggest making your client window larger...
  20. ozzy

    MassFighter [Deleted]

    I have just coded antifire support (thanks to @Bertrand lending me an account!), it seems to be working well, I just want to test it for a little bit before uploading. As well as that, I just want to some time to tweak the combat detection to stop the problems people are having with the bot...