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  1. fontkodo

    Resource Simple Mouse Target Renderer for debugging

    This version doesn't block your bot from interacting, but you can override the path generator move function to do nothing to do so. See an example of this working here: WFcaCPIiCt /* Originally written by ? and shared by Swatarianess * Modified by Furor June 2020 * Renders the current and...
  2. fontkodo

    Hey you said that you worked on a mouse path system printing system, you spent a few hours on...

    Hey you said that you worked on a mouse path system printing system, you spent a few hours on one right?
  3. fontkodo

    Pi Divination [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  4. fontkodo

    Suggestion Include libattach.so in the RuneMate JRE

    Creating a Github issue this evening with more context.
  5. fontkodo

    Suggestion Include libattach.so in the RuneMate JRE

    This is the only file missing from the JRE that prevents the client from being able to run bots when running in SDK mode. We should be able to run the bot in SDK mode using the same JRE the client can run in normal mode. libattach.so is present in the JDK in jvm/<jdk version>/jre/lib/amd64/...
  6. fontkodo

    Tutorial Fixing QuantumRenderer Exception on Linux

    This is due to a 64bit system lacking the 32-bit dependencies for JavaFX. Automatic Method: run: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386 libxtst6:i386 Manual Method, follow this. Posting because I looked through 5 threads from google for this issue, and wanted something other than "switch distro".
  7. fontkodo

    CS Undergrad looking to join a team

    From what I understand, JS is used widely in making things like dynamic signatures and other useful tools. I just remember other bot devs using it here.
  8. fontkodo

    CS Undergrad looking to join a team

    Hey I just completed my second year in Computer Science and I recognize this as an opportunity to apply the knowledge I've learned across my undergrad. Here are my competences: - JavaScript: working with Express, Node.js, Closures, Prototypes, Scope. - Java: knowledge of advanced data...
  9. fontkodo

    100% recommend proxi's NMZ bot, flawlessly completes NMZ on Hard Rumble mode with zero bans. I...

    100% recommend proxi's NMZ bot, flawlessly completes NMZ on Hard Rumble mode with zero bans. I regularly leave it on overnight without ban and have gained over 17m XP!!!
  10. fontkodo

    Bug JRE autodownloaded via Ubuntu RM missing libattach.so resulting in UnsatisfiedLinkError

    @Cloud You can ignore what I said about JRE version, I was wrongly conflating JavaFX version with Java version. Here's the version for the OpenJDK versions which I have that works. [Debug] Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre [Debug] Java Version: 8u131 x64 (Oracle Corporation)...
  11. fontkodo

    Bug JRE autodownloaded via Ubuntu RM missing libattach.so resulting in UnsatisfiedLinkError

    When the Spectre client automatically downloads a JRE due to not finding a pre-existing one it is missing the libattach.so file which is normally found in usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64 . This means that by default when RM is ran using the JRE it is downloaded with, it...
  12. fontkodo

    Tutorial How to update your script without having to restart the client

    In IntelliJ: Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger -> Hotswap, set reload classes to Always And run RM in IntelliJ in debugger mode
  13. fontkodo

    Pi Harps [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  14. fontkodo

    Question Best way to implement antiban and breakhandlers?

    I'm pretty sure the main goal is to at least fit in with the crowd enough to avoid detection, aka avoiding setting off too many flags. In that case, you need to not be an outlier. How do you become an outlier? - Clicking the same thing over and over again without result. For example, trying to...
  15. fontkodo

    Pi Harps [Deleted]

    The next time you run the bot it will be the new version. @Satnamigyz
  16. fontkodo

    Pi Harps [Deleted]

    Furor updated Pi Harps with a new update entry: Pi Harps v1.1.0 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. fontkodo

    RS3 Prifddinas Harps

    I just pushed an update with a GUI for review, thanks to @Bertrand. I'll provide a proggy. So roughly 70k xp/h.
  18. fontkodo

    Pi Divination [Deleted]

    Development is once again active on this bot, I'm attempting to resolve any existing issues with loading the GUI on start.
  19. fontkodo

    MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

    Same problem as TeddyBroski. @Aidden
  20. fontkodo

    MPV Smoothmotion - Smoother 24FPS videos using interpolation

    Here is how traditional digital video players display 24FPS content on a 60Hz monitor, they use the 3:2 pulldown technique. This means that the first frame will be displayed 3 times, the second frame 2 times, resulting in slight juddering of most content. Like this (where each pixel represents a...