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  1. T

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    Perfect, got the log uploaded
  2. T

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    For some reason is will not let my upload the log. I found the file where it's uploaded through note pad but I get an error every time I try to upload the file to the thread with 4 traps im getting around 32k at 73 verses 47-50k with three traps at red lizards. is there any other way I can...
  3. T

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    thanks cuppa, I really appreciate you updating the script as fast as you did. red sals are pretty dope now! black sals have been a bit of a headache. when I set the radius to 4 it will only net 3 traps but when I set the radius to 5 is nets all 5 traps but I end up losing my traps because it's...
  4. T

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    when I get back on I will send you a log but yes u are correct, Im speaking more towards the bot idling and not prioritizing the checking the nets. By not doing so, the salamanders release and the net's and rope disappear. I started out with 6 traps and a little after a hour I ended up with only...
  5. T

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    you're awesome, appreciate your work!
  6. T

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    Hi, Cuppa Is there anyway to speed up the actions when doing red salamanders? When it lays traps and catches salamanders it takes a while to actually check the net and place another trap, it also takes too long to check failed traps, it ends up losing rope and net because of that. Also black...